Research Areas of Interest
- Electrocorticography
- Language
- Machine Learning
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Research Experience
- Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Neurosurgery
Clinical Expertise
- Anesthesiology
Methodologies and Techniques
- Electrocorticography
- Electroencephalography
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Magnetoencephalography
Leadership Positions
- Medical Student Anesthesiology Clerkship Director
Research Interests
Dr. Gross’s research is focused on understanding the neural underpinnings of our language system and developing translational applications to patients.
Current projects include mapping the language system with fMRI to plan neurosurgical resections, exploring language networks using electrocorticography during awake craniotomies, and developing machine learning models to decode conceptual knowledge from brain activity.
(Pillay SB, Gross WL, Janecek JK, Binder JR, Oleksy AJ, Swanson SJ.) Epilepsy Behav. 2023 Jan;138:109004 PMID: 36473300 PMCID: PMC9885384 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85143541324 12/07/2022
(Youssofzadeh V, Conant L, Stout J, Ustine C, Humphries C, Gross WL, Shah-Basak P, Mathis J, Awe E, Allen L, DeYoe EA, Carlson C, Anderson CT, Maganti R, Hermann B, Nair VA, Prabhakaran V, Meyerand B, Binder JR, Raghavan M.) Neuroimage. 2022 Dec 01;264:119749 PMID: 36379420 PMCID: PMC9772156 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85141915479 11/16/2022
(Pillay SB, Gross WL, Heffernan J, Book DS, Binder JR.) Brain Lang. 2022 Oct;233:105164 PMID: 35933744 PMCID: PMC9948519 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85135407900 08/08/2022
(Gross WL, Helfand AI, Swanson SJ, Conant LL, Humphries CJ, Raghavan M, Mueller WM, Busch RM, Allen L, Anderson CT, Carlson CE, Lowe MJ, Langfitt JT, Tivarus ME, Drane DL, Loring DW, Jacobs M, Morgan VL, Allendorfer JB, Szaflarski JP, Bonilha L, Bookheimer S, Grabowski T, Vannest J, Binder JR, FMRI in Anterior Temporal Epilepsy Surgery (FATES) Study.) Neurology. 2022 Jun 07;98(23):e2337-e2346 PMID: 35410903 PMCID: PMC9202528 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85131545635 04/13/2022
(Gross WL, Sacho RH.) Anesthesiol Clin. 2021 Mar;39(1):1-18 PMID: 33563374 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85099139893 02/11/2021
(Youssofzadeh V, Stout J, Ustine C, Gross WL, Conant LL, Humphries CJ, Binder JR, Raghavan M.) Neuroimage. 2020 Oct 15;220:117090 PMID: 32593799 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85086940876 07/01/2020
(Binder JR, Tong JQ, Pillay SB, Conant LL, Humphries CJ, Raghavan M, Mueller WM, Busch RM, Allen L, Gross WL, Anderson CT, Carlson CE, Lowe MJ, Langfitt JT, Tivarus ME, Drane DL, Loring DW, Jacobs M, Morgan VL, Allendorfer JB, Szaflarski JP, Bonilha L, Bookheimer S, Grabowski T, Vannest J, Swanson SJ, fMRI in Anterior Temporal Epilepsy Surgery (FATES) study.) Epilepsia. 2020 Sep;61(9):1939-1948 PMID: 32780878 PMCID: PMC7722029 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85089258019 08/12/2020
(Swanson SJ, Conant LL, Humphries CJ, LeDoux M, Raghavan M, Mueller WM, Allen L, Gross WL, Anderson CT, Carlson CE, Busch RM, Lowe M, Tivarus ME, Drane DL, Loring DW, Jacobs M, Morgan VL, Szaflarski J, Bonilha L, Bookheimer S, Grabowski T, Phatak V, Vannest J, Binder JR, FMRI in Anterior Temporal Epilepsy Surgery (FATES) study.) Epilepsy Behav. 2020 May;106:106912 PMID: 32179500 PMCID: PMC7195239 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85081244333 03/18/2020
(Gross WL, Lauer KK, Liu X, Roberts CJ, Liu S, Gollapudy S, Binder JR, Li SJ, Hudetz AG.) Anesthesiology. 2019 Aug;131(2):254-265 PMID: 31314747 PMCID: PMC6640651 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85077347748 07/18/2019
(Liu X, Lauer KK, Ward BD, Roberts CJ, Liu S, Gollapudy S, Rohloff R, Gross W, Xu Z, Chen S, Wang L, Yang Z, Li SJ, Binder JR, Hudetz AG.) Brain Imaging Behav. 2019 Apr;13(2):514-525 PMID: 29737490 PMCID: PMC6239968 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85046653018 05/09/2018
(Pillay SB, Gross WL, Graves WW, Humphries C, Book DS, Binder JR.) J Cogn Neurosci. 2018 Apr;30(4):514-525 PMID: 29211656 PMCID: PMC9926535 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85042764522 12/07/2017
(Liu X, Lauer KK, Ward BD, Roberts CJ, Liu S, Gollapudy S, Rohloff R, Gross W, Xu Z, Chen G, Binder JR, Li SJ, Hudetz AG.) Brain Connect. 2017 Aug;7(6):373-381 PMID: 28540741 PMCID: PMC5685154 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85027416134 05/26/2017