91ɫƵ Immuno-Oncology Bone Marrow Bank
The 91ɫƵ Immuno-Oncology Bone Marrow Bank was created to support the increasing interest of physicians and medical researchers advance research and treatments specifically for those patients with various types of hematologic cancers and diseases.
Participation Information
Tissue Banking at 91ɫƵ involves storing health information and blood or tissue samples in the 91ɫƵ Tissue Bank for the purpose of medical research. For this branch of the bank, blood samples and bone marrow will be the only types of samples or tissue that will be collected for research. Participants who consent to this program will consent to the following:
- Collection of an additional bone marrow sample during your clinically scheduled bone marrow biopsy or aspirate for research purposes only. The amount of bone marrow taken will not exceed 20 mLs (no more than two tablespoons) total.
- A paired blood sample to be taken for research purposes only at any clinically ordered blood draw at Froedtert and the 91ɫƵ. The extra amount of blood taken will be within safe limits, and will not exceed more than the volume of two tablespoons.
- Permission to securely access and use some of your electronic health information to provide research teams linked to your samples.
Eligibility Requirements
- Over 18 years of age
- Speak and read English (consent form is currently only available in English)
- A patient of Froedtert and the 91ɫƵ
- Have a bone marrow biopsy or aspirate scheduled through Froedtert and the 91ɫƵ
Contact Information
- (414) 805-2526
- mcwtissuebank@mcw.edu