

91ɫƵ Minimally Invasive General Surgery Program (MIGS) Team

The Minimally Invasive General Surgery Program (MIGS) is staffed by surgeons from the Division of Minimally Invasive and Gastrointestinal Surgery at the 91ɫƵ who have completed specialty training in Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery. Dr. Jon Gould, Chief of the Division of Minimally Invasive and Gastrointestinal Surgery, is Director of the MIGS Program.

Specialized Surgery
Many recent studies have demonstrated that the best patient outcomes (highest success rates and lowest complication rates) are achieved by high-volume surgeons and high-volume hospitals. Because we specialize in minimally invasive and laparoscopic treatment for conditions of the esophagus and stomach, as well as complex hernia repair, we are often referred some of the most difficult and complicated cases by our surgical colleagues throughout the Midwest. The MIGS team surgeons are nationally and internationally known experts in minimally invasive surgery. We serve on the editorial boards of major surgical journals, hold leadership positions in prominent surgical societies, and publish and present our work at national meetings. The Division’s commitment to lead the nation in the education of physicians is evident through its rich history of general surgery training and a long-standing postgraduate fellowship training program in Minimally Invasive and Bariatric Surgery. To schedule an appointment with a MIGS surgeon, please call (800) 777-7700. Make sure that you ask to see a MIGS surgeon in the Division of Minimally Invasive and Gastrointestinal Surgery, or ask for one of us by name.

Jon Gould, MD, MBA

Chief, Professor


Amir Ghaferi, MD, MSc, MBA, FACS, FASMBS

Professor of Surgery; President and CEO, Physician Enterprise; Senior Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs


Rana Higgins, MD

Associate Professor


Andrew Sean Kastenmeier, MD

Associate Professor


Tammy Lyn Kindel, MD, PhD

Associate Professor


Kathleen L. Lak, MD

Associate Professor


Wen Hui Tan, MD

Assistant Professor