91ɫƵ Emergency Medicine Division of Ultrasound
To continuously elevate high-quality patient care through the integration of POCUS expertise into clinical leadership, medical education, scholarship, and interdisciplinary collaboration.
To be a leading academic Emergency Medicine POCUS Division in the nation by advancing POCUS in patient care and medical education through innovative scholarship, interdisciplinary collaboration, and discovery.

Emergency Medicine Fellowship in Emergency Ultrasonography
This one-year fellowship, accredited by the Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship Accreditation Council (EUFAC), provides a variety of practice opportunities to learn and employ new skills. While working in a cohort of talented, mission driven and supportive colleagues, ultrasonography fellows will get the chance to experience multiple, robust practice settings.
System Activities

Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) Operations currently serve at seven clinical sites. In 2021, over 4,300 clinically indicated exams were performed. Ultrasound has increased collaboration with Trauma Surgery which has allowed the division to increase consistency of FAST exam and conduct a quality assurance project: Use of POCUS in Traumatic Cardiac Arrest. The division is invested in bringing state-of-the-art technology to clinical providers, such as a new 3D printer.
The Division of Ultrasound presents a robust education program within the department of Emergency Medicine. The division has received a 3-year EUFAC designation and offers resident Ultrasound track matching.
Division Team

Mary Beth Phelan, MD, MBA
Professor; Vice Chair for Faculty Development and Advancement; Division Chief, Ultrasound; Director, Emergency Ultrasonography Fellowship Program

Bill Scheels, MD
Assistant Professor; Course Director, Ultrasound Elective

Patrick Drayna, MD
Associate Professor of Pediatrics; Director of Point-of-Care Ultrasound, Section of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Medical Director, POCUS, Children's Wisconsin