91ɫƵ Emergency Medicine Committees
The Emergency Department has a strict process of reviewing and approving studies initiated within the department. If you are interested in performing research in the Emergency Department, we invite you to submit an application to one of our review committees.
Research Oversight Committee
The Research Oversight Committee (ROC) reviews research initiated by any 91ɫƵ investigator that will occur in our ED clinical space. This committee ensures that:
- There is no study overlap
- The study is feasible in the clinical space
- The study is ethical
- The study does not interfere with patient care or operations
If you're interested in submitting a study for committee review, please complete the application form below and send it to emresearch@mcw.edu along with your final study protocol.
ROC Committee Chair

Andrew Farkas, MD
Associate Professor; Course Director, Toxicology Elective
Division of Medical Toxicology
Quality Improvement/Quality Assurance Committee
The Quality Improvement/Quality Assurance Committee reviews, approves, and oversees all studies from Emergency Medicine (EM) faculty that might be considered as QI or QA projects. If a study is approved as QI/QA, the Principal Investigator (PI) will not need to submit the study to the IRB. If the study is determined to be research, the PI must proceed with IRB submission.
If you are interested in submitting a QI/QA project for the committee to review, please complete the process to the right and submit your application form to emresearch@mcw.edu.
QI/QA Process
QI/QA Flowchart (PDF): Flowchart detailing the QI/QA submission process
QI/QA Checklist (DOCX): This checklist will help you determine whether the proposed project is in fact QI or potentially human subjects research. If all the check marks are inside the shaded gray boxes, then the project is very likely QI and not human subjects research.
QI/QA Application (DOC): If after completing the checklist you consider the project is truly QI/QA, please complete the application and submit to emresearch@mcw.edu.
QI/QA Committee Chair

Matt Chinn, MD
Associate Professor; Senior Medical Director, Froedtert Emergency Department; Medical Director, Froedtert Observation Unit
Division of EMS Medicine