The Educator's Portfolio & CV Compendium
1st ed. ©2002
Authors: D Simpson
Traditionally, our Educator's Portfolio sample book has contained only example entries from each of our 10 portfolio sections. Over time however, our portfolios and CV have become interdependent documents with the CVs highlighting the "what" an educator does and the portfolio presenting the "evidence" of excellence as an educator. To demonstrate this relationship, our newest publication presents copies of faculty members' CVs and accompanying portfolios as submitted for promotion to both associate and professor ranks.
The Educator's Portfolio
Wire bound, 4th ed. ©1998
Authors: D Simpson, A Beecher, J Lindemann, and J Morzinski
Recognition of the work of educators is increasingly based on their ability to provide evidence of their impact/quality as a teacher, adviser, curriculum developer, evaluator, and/or educational administrator. The Educator's Portfolio has been nationally recognized as a model for documenting one's activities as an educator. However, the EP is an important tool for tracking your professional growth. Nearly 80 pages of examples from actual faculty portfolios, this sample book provides an array of entries. We include a list of references including our publications in: Teaching and Learning in Medicine (6(3):1994; 9(1):1997); and Family Medicine (27(5):1995). With its fourth edition, copies have been distributed throughout the continental US, Canada, Puerto Rico and Europe!

Mentoring Guidebook for Academic Physicians
Authors: D. Bower, S. Diehr, J. Morzinski, and D. Simpson
Our colleagues are a major factor in our academic success. Senior colleagues can socialize new faculty to the unwritten rules of academic medicine, assist with career planning, and help them form strong colleague networks. This practical, how-to guidebook is for mentors and protégées focused on topics, strategies, and examples of mentor-protégée interactions. It contains checklists (e.g., behaviors associated with academic success) and an annotated CV review revealing the CV as a ready source of data for the mentor to provide support, challenge and vision in dialogues with his/her protégée. Length: 69 pgs including references