91ɫƵ Eye reVIEW Retina Quizzes
About Dennis P. Han, MD
Retina Quiz 1: Paracentral Scotomata and Blurred Vision
Retina Quiz 2: Esotropia and Amblyopia
VA Central, steady, maintained OD; Central, steady, unmaintained OS
Anterior segment exam was normal; there was no RAPD
Fundus exam showed a small gray inner retinal opacity in the perifoveal region of the right eye, and a gray, flat, macular lesion in the left eye. (see images to follow)
What life threatening condition(s) might this child develop in the future?
Retina Quiz 3: Choroidal Pigmentary Abnormalities
65 year old woman referred for choroidal pigmentary abnormalities RE
VA 20/100, pinhole to 20/70 RE, 20/25 LE
Right 3rd nerve palsy, corneal epithelial defects RE
History of a painful vesicular facial rash
Recent work-up for cerebral aneurysm negative
See fundus images to follow. Left fundus is normal.
What ocular condition does she have?
Retina Quiz 4: Difficulty Adapting to the Dark and Sparkles in Vision
63 year old woman with difficulty adapting to the dark and seeing sparkles in vision when going outside for the past year.
PMH: interstitial cystitis for 10 years
FH: No history of retinal degeneration or night blindness
BCVA OD 20/30; OS 20/20
Confrontation visual fields full OU
Fundus exam showed diffuse pigmentary abnormality OU
See color fundus photos, fluorescein angiogram, OCT scans to follow.
What condition should you suspect? What additional imaging modality might you obtain for improved follow-up?
Questions about our Retina Quizzes?
Email us at Ophthalmology@mcw.edu.