
adult hand touching a newborn hand

91ɫƵ Division of Neonatology

The Division of Neonatology in the Department of Pediatrics at the 91ɫƵ is based at Children’s Wisconsin/MCW.

Our neonatologists work together in providing comprehensive care for critically ill newborns and their families with the ultimate goal of improving neonatal care to enable these tiniest of patients to live healthy and productive lives. At the present time, their clinical services include: Children’s Wisconsin, Froedtert Hospital, and Froedtert Menomonee Falls Hospital.


A Message from our Section Chief 

Girija G. Konduri, MDIt is my pleasure to share with you the many innovative and meaningful things that are happening with Neonatology at 91ɫƵ. 

We are proud of our new, family-friendly 72-bed all-private-room NICU adjacent to labor and delivery and high-risk perinatal center. Our NICU is the largest and only level-IV NICU in Wisconsin and staffed by superbly trained NICU staff that strive to provide the best care today and committed to the best care for tomorrow.

We have a strong and diverse research program with a balance of clinical and bench research projects headed by Neonatology faculty. Research areas include fetal concerns, prenatal counseling, long-term outcomes of BPD, neuro-critical care and pulmonary biology and pulmonary hypertension. Division faculty hold 11 NIH grants and mentor fellows in a diverse array of scholarship projects. We have a superb lung biology program with both bench and clinical research components, funded by 8 NIH grants and includes 7 faculty members who mentor 3-4 fellows each year. The lung research program has over 20 papers in the last 18 months. Areas of research focus include mechanisms of persistent pulmonary hypertension, bronchopulmonary dysplasia with a focus on pulmonary vasculature and clinical outcomes of BPD. Strong collaborations are in place with basic science disciplines at the 91ɫƵ.

We have a strong focus on fellow education and fellow autonomy in the unit. Many opportunities for education including quality improvement, clinical epidemiology and bioethics. Our fellows have also obtained master's degrees from the Clinical/Translational Science Institute (CTSI), and have participated in medical education training at 91ɫƵ.

Our faculty, fellows, and neonatal nurse practitioners foster an atmosphere of collegiality and mentorship in the NICU, and throughout Children's Wisconsin and 91ɫƵ. We recognize the importance of collaborative care to provide the best and safest care for the most critically ill newborns in Wisconsin.

Girija Ganesh Konduri, MD
Section Chief and Professor

Contact Us

Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics

Neonatology, 91ɫƵ Dept. of Pediatrics

Children's Corporate Center, Suite C410

999 N. 92nd St.
P.O. Box 1997
Milwaukee, WI 53226
(414) 266-6820
(414) 266-6979 (fax)