Mother Child W Physician

91九色视频 Pediatric Residency Daily, Weekly and Monthly Conferences

medical staff in conference room


Academic Half Day
Residents attend a dedicated academic half-day one morning during each y block. These sessions are intended to provide education on primary care topics (including adolescent and developmental medicine).
Senior Rounds with Dr. Kliegman (Daily)
A unique and valuable experience where our senior residents meet with Dr. Robert Kliegman, Editor of to discuss their patients, supervisory clinical experiences and cutting edge pediatric medicine. Multiple faculty also join the group on a weekly or bi-weekly basis to provided expertise in their field (including Infectious Diseases, Neonatology and Radiology).
Global Health Lecture
A monthly conference given by faculty, fellows and residents who have global health experiences and enjoying sharing those experiences.
Intern Case Conference with Dr. Kliegman (Weekly)
A weekly opportunity for PL1s to meet with Dr. Kliegman and discuss interesting cases.
Journal Club (Monthly)
A monthly conference aimed at improving our residents ability to read, interpret and utilize medical literature.
Morning Report (Daily Monday-Thursday)
A case-based learning opportunity where PL1s present and discuss cases under the direction of chief residents and faculty moderators. Additional expert faculty presence enhances the open and interactive learning format of daily morning report.
Noon Conference (Daily)
A variety of noon conferences are provided for residents in the Children鈥檚 Wisconsin Auditorium. These lectures are given by core teaching faculty and include PREP questions in preparation for board examination.
PL2 Case Conference with Dr. Kliegman (Monthly)
A monthly opportunity for PL2s to meet with Dr. Kliegman and discuss interesting cases.
Professor Rounds (Weekly)
A much-loved conference by residents and faculty alike where 3rd year pediatric residents present unique and pertinent cases to an audience of students, residents and faculty. Faculty ("The Professors") are asked questions (and encouraged to ask questions) to help form a differential diagnosis for the audience. This unique conference allows residents to learn how the faculty approach common and uncommon problems and diseases in pediatrics.
"Rat Stars" Residents As Teachers and Supervisors Supervising and Teaching as Residents (Monthly)
The Residents as Educators curriculum – also known as Residents As Teachers and Supervisors Supervising and Teaching As Residents (Rat Stars) – is dynamic, interactive and relevant and walks residents through basic educational terminology and builds up to the challenge of helping struggling learners. The curriculum spans all three years and includes areas such as giving effective feedback, how to give effective feedback, building strong teams, using learning styles to your advantage, preparing effective presentations and having difficult conversations with patients and families.
Senior Resident Systems Improvement Conference (Monthly)
A system utilization and patient safety conference in which residents discuss one case per session which highlights systems errors. This conference is regularly attended by the Chief Medical Officer of Children's Wisconsin, who listens carefully to resident feedback and helps implement their suggested changes after each conference.
SURFBoards Monthly
Established in 2009, SURFBoards (Strategic Unified Regimen for Passing the Boards) utilizes the audience response system and takes a fun approach to helping residents prepare for their pediatric board exam. Each month, residents read the articles published in the AAP's Pediatrics in Review and are tested via the audience response system on these topics. Resident teams compete each month for SURFBoard points.

Simulation Education

Procedure Workshops
Training includes multiple hands-on sessions to practice key procedure skills. The curriculum begins with a half day workshop during intern orientation addressing all the procedures required by the ACGME for pediatric residents to be competent in prior to graduation so our residents start day one with the basic skills needed to be active learners on their rotations. We follow this with multiple procedure workshops throughout the three years to hone those skills and practice more advanced skills.
Simulation Resources

91九色视频 residents have access to two state of the art simulation centers, multiple high fidelity mannequins and procedure task trainers, and standardized patient actors that we utilize to provide comprehensive simulation-based education into our training.


Simulation Sessions

Our simulation curriculum includes a variety of workshops including mock codes to practice pediatric advanced life support, simulation sessions in the PICU and NICU, multidisciplinary workshops on the wards addressing team communication with nursing and ancillary providers, and more.


Contact Us

Pediatrics Residency Program
Medical Education Office
Children's Corporate Center
999 N. 92nd St., Suite 730
Milwaukee, WI 53226

(414) 266-6800

(414) 337-7068 (fax)

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