91ɫƵ Pediatric Residency Hospital Medicine Track
- An enhanced experience in pediatric hospital medicine (PHM) with experiences to customize training geared to the future pediatric hospitalist
- The track was developed with input from information published in the hospital medicine literature, feedback from hospitalists participating in a national PHM listserv, and local input from hospitalists here at 91ɫƵ
- Two options for cornerstone electives: An elective at Children’s Wisconsin-Fox Valley to get a community hospitalist experience and a PHM elective at Children’s Wisconsin that can be customized to career goals
- Monthly hospital medicine track day with topics discussed including PHM fellowship, scholarly activity, pager triage, journal club, pediatric hospital medicine in the community vs academic medical centers, practicing subspecialty medicine as a pediatric hospitalist, medical education, QI, informatics, patient safety, among others
- Options for scholarly activity, which include case reports, research, QI, or clinical practice guideline development
- Mentorship focused on helping choosing electives, scholarly work, fellowship planning, and discussion of career goals
- Opportunity to take part in administrative/educational development (attending national meetings, serving on committees, attending faculty development conferences, etc.)
- Questions? Feel free to contact the Hospital Medicine track directors:
- Danita Hahn, MD (dhahn@mcw.edu)
- Brandon Palmer, MD (bpalmer@mcw.edu)
Contact Us
Pediatrics Residency Program
Medical Education Office
Children's Corporate Center
999 N. 92nd St., Suite 730
Milwaukee, WI 53226