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91ɫƵ eBridge GCO Agreements Module: Frequently Asked Questions

The GCO Agreements Module facilitates Confidential Disclosure Agreements, Data Use Agreements and Material Transfer Agreements.

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How do I create a GCO agreement?

eBridge users with the role of Principal Investigator (PI) or Proposal Team (PT) can create a CDA, MTA, DUA, or MDA.

  1. Log into eBridge and select Dashboard.
  2. From the left column, select New Agreement.
    Note: You may be prompted to reenter you login information to access the Agreements module.
  3. A new Agreement SmartForm opens.
  4. Respond to all questions.
    Important: On the Agreement Upload page, carefully select the appropriate GCO agreement type from the dropdown list for Agreement Type. This response determines the next set of pages and questions.  
  5. Click the Information button to open Help Text.
  6. Upload attachments, as required, by selecting Add.
  7. Select Continue to complete the SmartForm one page at a time.
  8. When all pages are complete, select Finish to return to the agreement workspace.
  9. From the left column, select Submit to initiate the review process. 
What types of GCO Agreements can be created?
The PI, Primary Contact, or Proxy can create confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements (CDAs), material transfer agreements (MTAs), data use and/or transfer agreements (DUAs), and collaborative agreements that involve the use and transfer of both material and data (MDAs).

If an individual selects an agreement, they do not have access to, they will receive an error message to select a different agreement type.
What are the roles in the GCO Agreement SmartForms and what can they do?

eBridge users with the roles of Principal Investigator (PI) or Proposal Team (PT) can create GCO agreements in the Agreements module.

Within an agreement, the following roles are identified:

  • Principal Investigator: has PI role in eBridge; can create, edit, and submit agreement SmartForms
  • Primary Contact: can create, edit, and submit agreement SmartForms
  • Collaborator(s) (Study Team): has edit access to the agreement SmartForm.
  • PI Proxy: designated by the PI as a proxy; can create, edit, and submit agreement SmartForms
  • GCO Agreement Owner: individual from GCO Contracts Office who will review the agreement. 

How can I track my submission's progress in eBridge?

A dynamic workflow graphic displays in the center of the submission’s workspace. This graphic shows a high-level visualization of the submission’s progress toward approval or activation, with the shaded circle indicating its current status.

How does the PI and Study Team view and address the Clarification Request?

To view the Clarification Request sent by the agreement owner:

  1. Log into eBridge.
  2. From the Dashboard, select the Action Required tab.
  3. Locate the Agreement Submissions table.
  4. Select the agreement to open it.
  5. Select the History tab from the agreement’s workspace.
  6. Locate the Clarification Requested activity.
  7. The reviewer’s note is displayed.
  8. Select the Clarification Requested activity to view any attachments and more details.

To address the clarification requested:

  1. If the request is to update the Agreement SmartForm, select Edit Agreement from the left and make the appropriate changes.
  2. Select Submit Changes to send the agreement back to the agreement owner.
  3. In the Notes box type a response.
  4. Select OK.

  1. If the request is for additional information and no edits to the SmartForm are needed, select Submit Changes.
  2. In the Notes box, enter the information that was requested.
  3. Select OK.

Important: Only the PI, Primary Contact, and PI Proxy have the Submit Changes activity. Collaborators can view and edit only.