
91ɫƵ School of Graduate Studies U1-Research 2F Microscope Lab-Grad-hero
Bryna Goeckner

Bryna Goeckner

Graduate Student (Meier Lab)


  • Biophysics

Contact Information


Mentor: Timothy Meier, PhD
Year entered 91ɫƵ: 2021
Previous Education: BS, Chemical Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana

Research Interests

The Meier Lab focuses on acute and chronic effects of mild traumatic brain injury, including sport-related concussion. Using a variety of approaches—including advanced magnetic resonance metrics (e.g., fMRI, diffusion imaging, structural imaging), blood-based biomarkers, and clinical/behavioral testing—we investigate recovery from acute concussion and its physiological mechanisms, and the cumulative effects of repetitive sport-related concussion on the brain.

My research is aimed at addressing the gap in knowledge on concussion in female athletes with a focus on ovarian hormones and hormonal contraception as factors that might help explain sex differences.