
91ɫƵ School of Graduate Studies U1-Research 2F Microscope Lab-Grad-hero
Sofia Sheikh_Academic Profiles

Sofia Sheikh

Graduate Student


  • Genetic Counseling


Hi everyone! My name is Sofia Sheikh. I was born and raised in Whittier, CA. I graduated from the University of California, Irvine, in 2016 with a BA in Anthropology and a minor in Public Health. At UCI, I held several leadership positions, including social chair for the Pakistani Student Association, Internal VP at the genetic counseling special interest group, and a peer mentor for international students.

Following my undergrad, I worked at a senior living community, where I was exposed to sensitive topics as I provided care to seniors, their friends, and their families. I learned how grief is an important aspect of healthcare. Not only was I able to be a part of their lives, but they became a part of mine.

I also volunteered at All-Options as a talkline advocate, where I provided emotional support to individuals experiencing pregnancy, adoption, abortion, miscarriages, and anything within reproductive care. The support I provided became crucial when Roe V Wade was overturned. Learning how to navigate change in uncertainty was a challenging learning opportunity. My passion for inclusive healthcare for all further propelled me into genetic counseling.

I am excited about my journey as part of cohort #4 at 91ɫƵ and my journey to become a genetic counselor!

In my free time, I like to do yoga, choreography (for fun), crochet, watch Bollywood movies, telenovelas, listen to music, drink (copious amounts) of tea, and spend time with friends and family.