Abhay Singh Chauhan, PhD, MPharm, BPharm
Associate Professor, Department of Biopharmaceutical Sciences
- 91ɫƵ Pharmacy School
HRC H2600
Contact Information
Senior Research Fellowship, CSIR, Based on National Aptitude Screening Test
MPharm, Dr. Hari Singh Gour University, Sagar, India
Junior Research Fellowship, Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering-96
BPharm, Dr. Hari Singh Gour University, Sagar, India
National Fellowship Holder
Certified course on intellectual property management, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Geneva
Research Interests
- Nanotechnology
- Dendrimer based drug delivery systems
- Anti-inflammatory dendrimer
- Dendrimer mediated aqueous solubility and stability enhancement
- Dendrimer based transdermal drug delivery
- Multifunctional Excipients
- Brain targeting
- Anti-aging topical application
- Nanodevice
(Singh MK, Kuncha M, Nayak VL, Sarma AVS, Kumar MJM, Chauhan AS, Sistla R.) Nanomedicine. 2019 Oct;21:102043 PMID: 31247312 06/28/2019
(Chauhan AS.) Molecules. 2018 Apr 18;23(4) PMID: 29670005 PMCID: PMC6017392 04/20/2018
(Pentek T, Newenhouse E, O'Brien B, Chauhan AS.) Molecules. 2017 Jan 14;22(1) PMID: 28098828 PMCID: PMC6155877 01/19/2017
(Singh MK, Pooja D, Kulhari H, Jain SK, Sistla R, Chauhan AS.) Eur J Pharm Sci. 2017 Jan 01;96:84-92 PMID: 27614111 10/28/2016
(Katare YK, Daya RP, Sookram Gray C, Luckham RE, Bhandari J, Chauhan AS, Mishra RK.) Mol Pharm. 2015 Sep 08;12(9):3380-8 PMID: 26226403 08/01/2015
(Chauhan AS.) Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2015 Aug;1348(1):134-40 PMID: 26173478 07/16/2015
(Tekade RK, Tekade M, Kumar M, Chauhan AS.) Pharm Res. 2015 Mar;32(3):910-28 PMID: 25205461 09/11/2014
(Kulhari H, Pooja D, Singh MK, Chauhan AS.) Drug Dev Ind Pharm. 2015 Feb;41(2):232-8 PMID: 24237325 11/19/2013
(Tekade RK, Maheshwari RG, Sharma PA, Tekade M, Chauhan AS.) Curr Pharm Des. 2015;21(31):4614-36 PMID: 26486147 10/22/2015
(Kulhari H, Kulhari DP, Prajapati SK, Chauhan AS.) Mol Pharm. 2013 Jul 01;10(7):2528-33 PMID: 23692066 05/23/2013
(Yandrapu SK, Kanujia P, Chalasani KB, Mangamoori L, Kolapalli RV, Chauhan A.) Nanomedicine. 2013 May;9(4):514-22 PMID: 23117047 11/03/2012
(Kulhari H, Pooja D, Prajapati SK, Chauhan AS.) Int J Pharm. 2011 Feb 28;405(1-2):203-9 PMID: 21145960 12/15/2010
My duty is not only to provide knowledge, but to make my students knowledgeable. As a teacher my efforts are to reinforce the concepts by explaining complex issues with interesting examples and student activities. I believe each student is capable and a good teacher can make her/him efficient by proper channelization of knowledge. Teaching keeps me strongly attached to the root of knowledge and research helps me fly in the air of innovation
Abhay Singh Chauhan, phd, Mpharm, Bpharm
January 2017