91ɫƵ Center for Microbiome Research Services
The 91ɫƵ CMR and its staff provide expertise and technical support for a wide range of microbiome-focused research. Below is a basic outline of our services and technologies, including initial project consultation, sample collection and processing, data analysis, and interpretation. For more information please contact Dr. Nita Salzman.
Request for Application (RFA) for Intramural Pilot Award
The CMR Pilot Award is intended to support highly focused and/or preliminary experiments to enhance publications or larger funding applications, or to explore the expansion of ongoing studies to include microbiome-focused research questions.
Awards of up to $10,000 will be provided.
Applications for Spring 2024 awards should be submitted by Wednesday, November 22, 2023 by 5 p.m. CDT.
For more information, please see the RFA and Application, or contact us directly with additional questions.
Experimental design
Grant applications

Training and Protocols
Microbial sample collection and processing
Bacterial nucleic acid extraction and QC
qPCR and RT-qPCR

Bench Services
Molecular processing of collected samples
Bacterial nucleic acid extraction
Nucleic acid concentration measurement
qPCR and RT-qPCR
Coordination of offsite 16S rDNA sequencing
Sample storage and inventory management

Axenic and gnotobiotic mice
Axenic mouse colony
Defined microbiota mouse colony
Choice of semi-rigid isolators or individually ventilated iso-caging for gnotobiotic experiments

Bioinformatics and Biostatistics
16S rDNA data preparation and OTU assignment, diversity analysis
Metagenomics, metatranscriptomics, RNASeq, Visium, and single-cell analyses
Guidance for hands-on analytical techniques

Contact Us
Center for Microbiome Research
TBRC-CRI 3rd Floor
8701 Watertown Plank Rd.
Milwaukee, WI 53226