
Milwaukee skyline at dusk

91ɫƵ Comprehensive Injury Center - Division of Suicide Research and Healing

Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States and the second leading cause of death for individuals ages 10 to 34 in the United States. In Wisconsin, suicide rates increased 40% between 2000 and 2017, with rates increasing more substantially in certain groups, like veterans, and in urban counties. Despite these troubling statistics, suicide is preventable. The Division of Suicide Research and Healing at the Comprehensive Injury Center is a statewide leader in efforts to prevent loss of life from suicide.
Boardwalk Waterview Wisconsin


To promote a public health approach to suicide that actively investigates and disseminates new knowledge and influences systems change to address disparities in suicide outcomes. We are driven by collective action and individual lived experience.


A community of healing that is supportive of all affected by suicide.


  • Advance the science around suicide and suicide prevention by engaging in novel research that makes new discoveries across the translational spectrum.

  • Educate campus and community partners as well on the burden of suicide in Wisconsin and nationally and provide information on the latest evidence for best practices in suicide prevention.

  • Engage with clinical partners to ensure that patients who interface with clinical systems are provided with suicide safe care that empowers them toward recovery.

  • Meaningfully serve our community partners who are engaged in suicide prevention efforts to maximize the adoption, reach, and efficacy of this work.

Guiding Principles

  • Cultural proficiency in work and action

  • Inclusion of all community members

  • Walking in a spirit of curiosity

  • Acknowledgement of past harms and disruption of those present

  • Compassion and support for those affected by suicide

  • Community-driven action, amplifying voices that should be centered

  • Practicing what we preach to normalize suicide and suicide prevention and reduce stigma

  • Outcome-driven


Milwaukee WI skyline
Froedtert Hospital
Children’s Wisconsin
Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center
Captain John D. Mason Project
Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment
Community (Local and State)
City of Milwaukee Office of Violence Prevention
Mental Health America of Wisconsin
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention – Wisconsin Chapter
Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Prevent Suicide Wisconsin
Northeast Wisconsin Mental Health Connection
Milwaukee Public Schools
Milwaukee Police Department
Milwaukee Fire Department
Milwaukee County Office of Emergency Management
Milwaukee County Medical Examiner
Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division

'The S-Word': A Podcast About Suicide Prevention from the CIC's Sara Kohlbeck

The Comprehensive Injury Center is proud to present "The S Word" podcast from Sara Kohlbeck and Andrew Schramm of the Division of Suicide Research and Healing.

This podcast brings you research and information related to suicide and suicide prevention, focusing on the nuances and difficulties involved in talking about suicide and prevention, and how to lift the voices of lived experiences.

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Contact the Division of Suicide Research and Healing

We would love to chat with you about any of our research or programming! Contact us using the information below.

Sara Kohlbeck, PhD, MPH


(414) 955-7667

Tricia Monroe, MEd, MCHES

Postvention Program Manager

Jacey Kant, BS

Research Program Coordinator