
Melek Somai, MD, MPH

Melek Somai, MD, MPH

Assistant Professor of Medicine; CHDS computer scientist

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Dr. Somai's expertise is in health informatics and data engineering. Melek is trained in medicine, data scientist, and public health. He was formerly a research fellow at the Neuro-Epidemiology and Ageing Research at Imperial College and the Associate Director of the Centre for Cryptocurrency Research and Engineering exploring the deployment of Blockchain Technology in Healthcare and Life Sciences. He is a former Fulbright scholar. Dr Somai has a special interest in the impact of information technology and data in shaping the provision of care. He is also interested in the development of new approaches to public and global health using data science. As part of his global health activities, Dr Somai is the founder and the current president of the Tunisian Center for Public Health.