Faces of AOIP
AOIP Through the Years
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Rob Cooper (PhD Student, Marquette University) takes a break from long-distance programming with Zach Harvey (on the monitor).

2014 AOIP Summer Medical Students. Pictured from left to right: Timothy Carll, Nicholas Cates, Oladipo Fagbemi, Edward Randerson, Matt Braza, Ryan Johnson, Kyle Greiber.

Deborah M. Costakos, MD, MS, and Joseph Carroll, PhD, collaborate to detect changes in the retina that may signal retinopathy of prematurity, a blinding disease in infants.

Joseph Carroll, PhD, delivering the 2014 UW-Green Bay commencement address. Photo courtesy of UW-Green Bay. Used by permission.

2015 AOIP summer students. Pictured left to right: Rebecca Mastey (SPUR), Rachel Linderman (MSSRP), Jonah Robison (BUILD), Madia Russillo (MSSRP), Jaden Burns (MU AOIP BRERLD), Alana Trotter (MSSRP), Jamil Khan (Summer Staff), and Ryan O'Toole (MU AOIP BRERLD).
Raymond Vissari (seated), smiling after an imaging session, along with AOIP members (left to right) Mara Goldberg, Robert Cooper, and Ryan Johnson.
AOIP Summer Students -2017 Pictured from left to right: Adaysha Williams, Prince Thomas, Steven Seto, Bisola Omoba, Brit Zaro and Carl Greer.
AOIP Summer Students Jourdan, Jess, Mitchell, Sarah, Hailey and Sam representing @MedicalCollege programs, MSSRP, SPUR and CTSI Stars.

AOIP researchers, Jenna Cava, MS, Ben Sajdak, PhD, Hannah Follett, and Alex Salmon on the cover of the McPherson Eye Research Institute newsletter Spring 2019.
Drew Scoles, MD/PhD student

Staff from the Office of Clinical and Translational Research (L to R) Pat Winter, Krissa Packard, Vesper Williams, and Katie McKenney.

L-R: May 2021, seven AOIP graduate student alumni: Ben Sajdak, PhD; Alison Huckenpahler, MD, PhD; Erica Woertz, PhD; Chris Langlo, MD, PhD; Rachel Linderman, PhD; Robert Cooper, PhD; Alex Salmon, PhD

Bevil Conway, PhD, gives a talk at the Eye Institute's 2010 Eye on the Arts Event.
New AOIP members include summer students, graduate students and staff. (2018)

Yusufu, Alf, and Drew celebrating their first images of the RPE at 91ɫƵ!
Presenters and attendees from 91ɫƵ AOIP enjoy an impromptu fire evacuation at the Midwest Eye Research Symposium (MERS) in Iowa.

Faculty, staff, medical students and PhD students of the AOIP.
Conferences, Meeting and Symposiums
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Joe Carroll, PhD, attending the Retina Conference, a Fighting Blindness annual meeting held in Dublin, Ireland. –2017

Kimberly E. Stepien, MD, gives a talk at the Eye Institute's 2010 Fall Symposium.

Three generations of vision scientists. Joseph Carroll, PhD, Gerald Jacobs, PhD, and Jay Neitz, PhD are pictured together as Dr. Jacobs accepts the OSA Edgar D. Tillyer Award at the 2012 OSA Vision Meeting in Rochester, NY.

Katie Litts, PhD, 91ɫƵ postdoctoral fellow with the Advanced Ocular Imaging Program, shares her poster, "Imaging of remnant cone structure in outer retinal lesions in macular telangiectasia (MacTel) type 2," with third-year resident Ryan Vogel, MD, (center) and Dennis P. Han, MD, Jack A. & Elaine Klieger professor of ophthalmology.Research Day 2017 photos courtesy Andy Manis and the University of Wisconsin Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences.

Nick Cates and Timothy Carll, 91ɫƵ medical students, discuss their summer research in the AOIP at poster day 2014.

Matt Braza, 91ɫƵ medical student, presenting his summer research on poster day 2014, high resolution retinal imaging in traumatic brain injury.

Joseph Carroll, PhD, Shannon Boye, PhD, University of Florida, and Mark Pennesi, PhD, Casey Eye Institute, attend RD2014, the XVIth International Symposium on Retinal Degeneration held in Asilomar, California.

Retina Conference 2017 with Fighting Blindness staff and members of the Medical and Scientific Advisory Board including Dr. Joe Carroll.

Edward Randerson, M2 summer research fellow, presented his poster,In VivoAOSLO Imaging of Retinal Detachment Associated Pathology, at the annual Medical Student Research Day Poster Session at 91ɫƵ. His presentation placed among the top 10 candidate posters for which he received a $500 prize. Pictured with the other winners, Edward is located in the back row, 2nd from the right.

Ben Sajdak (right) shares his poster, "Retinal remodeling throughout hibernation in the 13-lined ground squirrel," with Ryan Vogel, MD, a former 91ɫƵ ophthalmology resident. Research Day photos courtesy Andy Manis and the University of Wisconsin Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences.

Emily Patterson, PhD, AOIP Postdoctoral Fellow, pictured 8th from the left in the back row among the 2018 ISER travel award recipients at the annual meeting in Belfast, Ireland. Pictured 6th from left in the back, AOIP collaborator Angelos A. Kalitzeos, PhD, from UCL.@ International Society for Eye Research (ISER) used with permission.

Wisconsin’s future ophthalmologists and vision scientists gathered at the University of Wisconsin-Madison on June 16 to share highlights from their studies over the past year for Ophthalmology Research Day.Research Day 2017 photos courtesy Andy Manis and the University of Wisconsin Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences.

Oladipo Fagbemi, 91ɫƵ medical student, presents his summer research on retinal microvasculature at poster day 2014.

Joseph Carroll, PhD, and Judy E. Kim, MD, representing the Eye Institute, 91ɫƵ, at the 52nd annual meeting of the Japanese Retina and Vitreous Society.

AOIP members, Yusufu Sulai, Chris Langlo and Drew Scoles at the Glaucoma Research Foundation's Glaucoma 360 New Horizons Forum, 2013.

Pictured at the NOAH mini-conference held at 91ɫƵ on August 1, 2015: Joseph Carroll, PhD, Tom Connor, MD, Shari Parker, MD, Murray Brilliant, PhD, Brian Brooks, MD, PhD, C. Gail Summers, MD, and Michael McGowan.

Alison Huckenpahler displays her poster at RD2016 in Kyoto Japan #ZebrafishRock

Celebrating a productive trip across the pond at The Dirty Onion and YardBird. Pictured from left to right, Jenna Cava, Joe Carroll, Emily Patterson and Ben Sajdak, attending #RD2018 #ISER2018 in Ireland.
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The Eye Institute's physicians, scientists, students, staff and family members participated in the 2014 Foundation Fighting Blindness Vision Walk on Milwaukee's lakefront. The "Count Maculas" were the largest group at the walk for the 2nd year in a row.

Mortada A.A. Abdelaal, MD, former Ocular Imaging Fellow, and Oladipo Fagbemi, 91ɫƵ medical student, walk in the 2014 Foundation Fighting Blindness Vision Walk

On Sunday, May 21, 2017, the Eye Institute "Jed-Eyes" participated in the 9th annual Foundation Fighting Blindness (FFB) Wisconsin VisionWalk on Milwaukee's Lakefront.
The Dining in the Dark menu is revealed after each course during Vision Forward Association's annual fundraising event. Diane Bishop, PhD, and Vesper Williams, CCRC, represented the AOIP at this unique event.

The Eye Institute's physicians, scientists, students, staff and family members participated in the 2013 Foundation Fighting Blindness Vision Walk on Milwaukee's lakefront.

Alfredo Dubra, Brian Higgins and Joseph Carroll pictured on the golf course at 91ɫƵ's Alumni Scholarship Golf Classic August 26, 2013.

Eye Institute representation at the 2016 Foundation Fighting Blindness VisionWalkon Milwaukee's lakefront.

The only time Alfredo Dubra and Joseph Carroll do anything sub-par, golfing during the 91ɫƵ's annual Alumni Scholarship Golf Classic. Funds raised in this event help support scholarships for medical students at the college. -August 26, 2013
Members of the "Star Pupils" team, Eye Institute-91ɫƵ, walked in a foggy morning on Milwaukee's lakefront for the annual Foundation Fighting Blindness VisionWalk.

Joe Carroll and AOIP lab members support #JeansforGenes 2016 a Fighting Blindness initiative to raise awareness and funds for blinding eye diseases.
Joseph Carroll, PhD, gives introductory remarks prior to the start of the 2013 Foundation Fighting Blindness Vision Walk on Milwaukee's lakefront.

Alison Huckenpahler, MD/PhD student, and Wes Maier, MD candidate, relax after the Milwaukee Foundation Fighting Blindness VisionWalk 2016.
Team Activities
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AOIP Team on Khaki Pants, Blue Shirt Day (July, 2012)

AOIP members pose for a lab selfie as part the #mcwgivesthanks campaign - November 2016.

The third annual AOIP Eye Cup soccer match took place at Greenfield Park, Milwaukee, WI. August 2014
The AOIP crew showcases their soccer skills at the "2012 Eye Cup", the first annual AOIP soccer game.
Brandon Lujan, MD, and Joseph Carroll, PhD, were still smiling after completing the Milwaukee Brewers 10k road race on 9.26.2015. Dr Lujan visited Milwaukee to deliver a Vision Science Distinguished Lecture Series lecture.

John Flatter, 91ɫƵ medical student, takes on Alfredo Dubra, PhD, and Yusufu Sulai, PhD, at the 2014 AOIP Eye Cup.

Catching their breath between goals, Alfredo Dubra, PhD, and Ben Sajdak, 91ɫƵ PhD student, enjoy the annual AOIP Eye Cup soccer match. August 2014

It looks like Ben Sajdak, 91ɫƵ PhD student, just missed a shot against fellow AOIP members, Zach Harvey and Scott Robison, OD, at the annual AOIP Eye Cup soccer match.