
Physician Patient

Meet Our Goveas Grief Research Team



Joseph S. Goveas, MD

Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine and Institute for Health and Equity; Vice-Chair and Director, Geriatric Psychiatry


(414) 955-8970

Other Faculty


Gyujoon (Guy) Hwang, PhD

Assistant Professor

Expertise in neuroimaging analysis using machine learning methods. Research interests include discovering neural signatures revealing subgroup patterns within heterogeneous disease populations, and utilizing multiple modalities including genetics to help guide healthy brain aging


Andrew S. Nencka, PhD

Associate Professor; Associate Director, Center for Imaging Research (CIR); Section of Imaging Research, Division of Imaging Sciences


Yang Wang, MD, PhD

Professor; Division of Imaging Sciences

Task-dependent functional MRI; resting-state functional connectivity MRI; Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) perfusion; multiband multiecho imaging; machine learning approaches



Charles F. Reynolds, III, MD

Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry and UPMC Endowed Professor in Geriatric Psychiatry Emeritus, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine; Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry, Tufts School of Medicine and Maine Medical Center; Editor-in-Chief, American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry


Cecilia J. Hillard, PhD

Associate Dean for Research; Professor; Director, Neuroscience Research Center; G. Frederick Kasten, Jr. Endowed Chair in Parkinson’s Disease Research

Dr. Hillard was named Associate Dean for Research in November 2015 after serving eight months as co-Interim Senior Associate Dean for Research. She has served as director of the Neuroscience Research Center since its inception in 2010. She was also Inaugural Director of the Neuroscience Graduate Training Program from 1996-2010. As a highly active researcher, Dr. Hillard’s laboratory is primarily focused on the pharmacology and biochemistry of the cannabinoids and endocannabinoids.


Keri Hainsworth, PhD

Research Director for the Acute and Chronic Pain Program at Children’s Wisconsin; Associate Editor, Pain Medicine

Dr. Hainsworth's areas of focus are on chronic pain with/without obesity; behavioral and psychological facets of chronic and acute pain; and inflammation and endocannabinoids.

Research Staff


Nutta-On (Oiy) Blair, PhD

Research Scientist I

Expertise in identifying brain biomarkers using advanced multimodal brain imaging techniques (resting state functional connectivity MRI, cerebral blood flow, task functional MRI, diffusion tensor imaging, and structural MRI)


Stacy A. Claesges, BA, CCRC

Manager Clinical Research

Extensive experience in recruiting middle-aged and older participants for clinical and functional MRI studies of normal aging, grief, and late-life neuropsychiatric diseases.


B. Douglas Ward, MS

Biostatistician II

Advanced neuroimaging biostatistical models