STAR Center_Hero

91九色视频 STAR Center Resources

The STAR Center is composed of clinical examination rooms, simulation rooms, a procedure room, training and conference rooms. We also have high fidelity simulators and a multitude of task trainers. The STAR Center's 9,300 square-foot, well-equipped, state-of-the-art clinical simulation environment includes the facilities and equipment listed below.

Facility and Equipment

Clinical Examination Rooms

12 clinical examination rooms
Each exam room is equipped for a typical standardized patient encounter:

- 1 patient exam bed
- Exam room clinical equipment and supplies (e.g. otoscope, ophthalmoscope, sphygmomanometer, drapes, patient gowns, etc.)
- 1 sink, furniture and phones typical of a clinical setting
- 2 digital cameras and microphones - to view the simulated patient encounters in real time and/or to record for debriefing
- PA (overhead) announcement capability from a central monitoring area



Each clinical exam room also has a clinical room monitor just outside the room for the student to read the door notes and then write the patient note after the encounter.


Simulation Rooms

4 Simulation Labs with Adjacent Control Rooms
These 4 rooms simulate an Operating Room, ER/ICU and Hospital Patient Rooms. They are used primarily to run immersive scenarios with our full-body, high-fidelity physiological mannequins. Each room has:

- Patient vital signs monitor
- Monitor for EMR display
- Lines for O2 and pressurized air; Suction
- OR table; gurney/stretcher; OB/GYN bed; Pediatric crib or hospital bed
- Code cart
- Call light system
- Sink and phone
- Clinical equipment and supplies needed for high-fidelity medical simulations (e.g. defibrillator, ventilator, spine board, cervical collar, adult and pediatric airway management devices, syringes, catheters, IV poles, IV fluids and lines, simulated blood bags, surgical drapes, gloves, gowns, etc.)
- Monitoring via one-way control room window and monitors
- 2 digital cameras and microphones - to view the training sessions in real time and/or to record for debriefing
- PA (overhead) announcement capability from the Control Room

SimLab A, simulated OR is equipped with:

- Adjustable surgical table
- Anesthesia machine and ventilator
- Full-function patient physiological monitor
- Monitor for EMR display
- Anesthesia cart
- Mayo table & surgical side table
- A large stainless OR supply cabinet

Operating Room 

SimLab B, simulated Labor and Delivery is equipped with:

- Functional patient control column
- Gurney/stretcher; OB/GYN bed; or Pediatric crib
- Code cart with defibrillator
- Patient vital signs monitor
- Monitor for EMR display

ER OB Room 

SimLab C-East (Pediatrics) and C-West (ED/ICU/PACU), two simulated Patient Hospital Rooms equipped with:

- A divider between these adjoining rooms which can be removed to combine into a larger lab.
- Hospital bed and furniture; Gurney/stretcher; OB/GYN bed; or Pediatric crib
- Functional patient headwall
- Patient vital signs monitor
- Monitor for EMR display
- Code cart with defibrillator

Procedure Room
Large, flexible space used primarily for procedure training is equipped with:

- Built-in standing-height and sitting-height counters
- Tables/chairs for task training stations
- Sink
- Internet access; a screen, laptop and AV equipment for presentations; a whiteboard
- 2 digital cameras and microphones - to view the training sessions in real time and/or record for debriefing
- PA (overhead) announcement capability from a central monitoring area
Additional room equipment
In addition to clinical equipment built-into the exam and simulation rooms, these devices are available:

- Anesthesia Machine - Datex Ohmeda Aestiva 3000
- Ultrasound - SonoSite MicroMaxx
- Ultrasound - Bard Site-Rite 5
- Ultrasound - BK Medical Falcon 2100
- Ultrasound - SonoSim (virtual ultrasound)
- C-MAC Video laryngoscope
- Ventilator - IMPACT Uni-Vent Eagle
Central Monitoring Area

Central Monitoring Area is equipped with:

- 12 computer stations
- Monitors with audio headsets to observe clinical exam rooms in real time or from previous encounters recorded digitally

Conference rooms

2 Conference Rooms (1 large and 1 small). Capacity varies depending on configuration. Large conference room can be divided into two separate, smaller rooms. Live or recorded training events in the exam, procedure or simulator rooms can be viewed from both conference rooms. Each is equipped with:

- 2 large plasma screens
- Internet access; Rack with computer and AV equipment to support presentations
- Conference room tables/chairs
- Whiteboard

Large Conference Room


Large Conference Room, Classroom Setup


Large Conference Room, Chairs



Small Conference Room, Meeting Setup


Small Conference Room, Classroom Setup

Training Room/Lounge

Training room/lounge is equipped with:

- Internet access; Screen, laptop and AV equipment presentations
- Whiteboard
- Kitchenette with refrigerator and microwave
- Table/chairs for 24
- 2 restrooms

Training Lounge
STAR Center Floor Plan
View a floor plan (PDF) of the STAR Center

Medium- to High-Fidelity Simulators

HAL S3005 (Gaumard): 5-year-old male or female






Human Patient Simulator (HPS) "Stan" (CAE): adult male


Human Patient Simulator (HPS) PediaSIM "Petey" (CAE): 6-year-old male or female


SimMan 3G (Laerdal): adult male or female

Simbaby Classic (Laerdal): 9-month-old female


Super Tory (Gaumard): neonate male or female


VICTORIA S2200 & baby (Gaumard): adult female


Low-Fidelity Simulators

Advanced GERi Manikin (Life/form)


CPR Trainers

Resusci Anne QCPR Torso with SimPad PLUS Skill Reporter (Laerdal)

Resusci Anne® QCPR manikin allows for high-quality CPR training by using a feedback device which can continuously measure and improve CPR skills. Detailed, real-time feedback and summative performance results guide trainees to deliver CPR in accordance with the AHA Guidelines.


  • QCPR Feedback - Key metrics measured:
  • Complete release
  • Correct hand position
  • Appropriate ventilation volume\
  • Amount of compressions and ventilations
  • Frequency and length of interruptions

Resusci Anne QCPR with SimPad PLUJS with Skill Reporter, Laerdal

Infant CPR Mannequin (Simulaids)

Full-body, infant mannequin used for CPR training.


  • Supports chest compressions
  • Head tilt/chin lift
  • Bag-valve-mask ventilation with chest rise with proper technique

Pediatric CPR Mannequin (Simulaids)

Full-body, 3-year-old mannequin used for CPR training.


  • Supports chest compressions
  • Head tilt/chin lift
  • Bag-valve-mask ventilation with chest rise with proper technique


Lung Sound Auscultation Trainer - "LSAT" (Kyoto Kagaku)

LSATs allows students to practice lung sound auscultation. Students can learn to listen to the sounds of a patient's chest with precise use of a stethoscope, have a clear understanding of sound variations and describe the sounds clearly to others. Cases are recorded from actual patients; sounds are exactly those of real patients


  • 36 cases are available for training
  • 15 speakers are located in the torso manikin (seven in the anterior, eight in the posterior), each speaker playing back sounds distinct to each auscultation area. Speakers are completely synchronized.
  • The torso rotates on a base, allowing examination of both the front and back.
  • Sound volume, the pace of respiration and the operating time are controllable
  • Sounds can be monitored graphically in real time.

    lung sound auscultation simulator
Student Auscultation Manikin "SAM" (Cardionics)

SAM II Student Auscultation Manikin is used to teach auscultation of heart, lung and bowel sounds. All sounds and videos are recorded from live patients to provide a life-like simulation experience to students. The SAM II trainer can be used with any stethoscope. A wide variety of sounds, videos and lessons can be selected via the SAM laptop. SAM II Student Auscultation Manikin can also be connected to external speakers for group instruction. Included with the product is SAM鈥檚 Lesson Guide: a complete guide of lessons for each auscultation sound that SAM II offers.


  • 35 heart sounds, 21 breath sounds, 20 bowel sounds, and four carotid bruits. 16 heart/lung combination sounds
  • Sounds at correct anatomical site
  • Heart sounds at four anatomical locations
  • Breath sounds at eight anatomical locations
  • Bowel sounds at two anatomical locations
  • Use your own stethoscope
  • Full lesson guide for every sound with questions and answers
  • Sound and visual outputs for use with classroom speakers and projectors
  • Phonocardiograms of each heart sound
  • Carotid pulse for detection of systole


Simulscope Bedside Auscultation System (Cardionics)

Simulscope Bedside Auscultation System by Cardionics allows physicians and students the ability to hear live physiological sounds with up to 20 other people at the same time, using only one stethoscope. Provides less intrusion on patients as only one stethoscope is placed on him or her. May be used on a standardized patient or manikins.


  • Sounds can be recorded at bedside and played back in the classroom.
  • Classroom use of the SimulScope™ with manikins and simulators can be very effective.
  • Can be used for Telemedicine - the SimulScope™ will send or receive heart and lung sounds over high-quality telephone lines or live over the internet with a Tandberg, Polycom, VTEL, life Size, or SONY system.
E-Scopes (Cardionics)

The E-Scope by Cardionics is an electronic stethoscope which amplifies 30 times louder than an acoustic scope.


  • USB-style side output jack.
  • Used for accessories including headphones for a second listener or connecting cables to a pc for recording purposes in electronic medical records and Telemedicine.

Ventriloscope (Lecat)

Ventriloscope looks and functions like a stethoscope but it connects wirelessly to remote control that allows high-quality normal sounds and abnormal sounds to be played on a standardized patient or mannequin. It allows students to listen to simulated heart and lung sounds that correspond with anatomically appropriate positions on the Standardized Patient or on a simulator.


  • Can be used with Standardized Patient or simulator to simulate abnormal sounds on otherwise “healthy patients”.
  • In addition to pre-programmed heart, breath & bowel sounds, any sound that can be captured and played as a MP3 file can be loaded into the device
  • Character, timing and loudness of sounds can be changed “on the fly” while being examined.

Airway Trainers - Adult

STAR Center provides airway kits with full array of airway devices and adjuncts for use with airway trainers. One of the trainers can also be used for a surgical airway training. Users must provide their own surgical airways.
Airway Management Adult Trainer (Laerdal)

Management Trainer’s lifelike upper torso and head simulates real-world complications when practicing a variety of intubation, ventilation, and suction techniques.


  • Supports oral and nasal intubation
  • Supports use of LMA (Laryngeal Mask Airway)
  • Supports Bag-Valve-Mask ventilation
  • Correct tube placement can be checked by practical inflation test
  • Realistic anatomical features allow demonstration of Sellick Maneuver
  • Stomach inflation and vomiting situation can be simulated
  • Provides visual inspection of lung expansion


Airway Management Adult Trainer (TruCorp Air Sim)

The AirSim Advanced Model is used to train effective bag mask ventilation; use of full range of superglottic devices; video and direct laryngoscopy; tracheal and nasotracheal intubation


  • Uniquely constructed AirSim airway, designed to provide true, anatomically correct and visually accurate internal features.
  • A "real-feel" skin covering provides a more realistic bag mask ventilation training.
  • Anatomically accurate nasal passage, inflatable tongue to increase difficulty of airway


Airway Management Adult Trainer with Bronchi (TruCorp Air Sim)

AirSim Advance Bronchi manikin includes anatomically correct internal features from the nasal passage and airway to fourth generation bronchi. Used for medical training in diagnostic bronchoscopy and airway management techniques including intubation and ventilation.


  • True-to-life AirSim® Airway and nasal cavity designed using CT DICOM data from an adult male
  • Anatomically correct internal features and visually accurate landmarks such as turbinates.
  • Exceptional detail down to fourth generation bronchi with clearly defined carina, bronchus and bronchioles
  • Inflatable tongue with lifelike size and texture for tongue edema simulation
  • Supports Bag-valve-mask (BVM) ventilation
  • Supports direct and video laryngoscopy
  • Supports endotracheal and double nasotracheal intubation
  • Supports Full range of supraglottic airway devices
  • Lung isolation and suctioning techniques including bronchial blocker insertion, single and double endobronchial tubes and specialized stents


Advanced Combo Cricothyroidotomy Trainer (TruCorp Air Sim)

The AirSim Advance Combo combines the uniquely constructed AirSim® airway with the enhanced addition of tracheal rings, simulated cricoid and laryngeal cartilages. It allows for the practice of realistic airway management, percutaneous tracheostomy and emergency cricothyroidotomy training.


  • A wraparound replaceable neck skin which facilitates up to 20 incisions
  • Palpable cricoid landmarks, laryngeal cartilages and tracheal rings to provide positive user feedback and easy identification of the sternal notch.
  • The ‘AirSim®’ airway which provides realistic feedback during airway management procedures.
  • A nasal passage which provides an anatomically correct nasal cavity with important landmarks such as clearly defined turbinates.
  • An inflatable tongue with real-life size and texture.
  • ‘Real feel’ skin covering for added realism.

NOTE: For surgical airways, participants must supply their own surgical airway kit.

HAL Advanced Airway and Trauma Trainer (Gaumard)

HAL is an advanced airway and trauma trainer. The HAL® S315.400 advanced airway trainer allows learners to practice recognizing and managing a difficult airway via endotracheal intubation or surgical intervention, perform CPR, and treat tension pneumothorax.


  • Airway is manually programmable to include tongue edema, laryngospasm and pharyngeal swelling
  • Use NP/OP tubes, ventilate, and intubate
  • Realistic chest compression/recoil
  • BVM produces realistic chest rise
  • Intubate using conventional adjuncts
  • Inflating lungs produces realistic chest rise
  • Gastric distention
  • Easy neck flexion and extension
  • Unilateral chest rise with right main stem intubation
  • Lungs can be disabled independently
  • Surgical airway procedures such as tracheostomy and needle or surgical cricothyrotomy
  • Supplied with normal and surgical cricoid cartilage inserts, allowing for longitudinal and transverse incisions
  • Bilateral needle decompression at 2nd intercostal space
  • Bilateral drainage at 5th intercostal space using conventional large diameter chest tubes
  • Pneumatic controls powered by internal reservoir charged using supplied manual pump or a conventional BVM – does not need power source.

NOTE: For surgical airways, needle decompression and chest tubes, participants must supply their own surgical airway kit.



Airway Trainers - Pediatric

Airway Management Infant Trainer (Air Sim)

Anatomically correct pediatric airway trainer for teaching and training infant airway management. Accurate internal and external anatomical details based on a CT-DICOM data from a 6-month-old infant provide realistic practice for pediatric intubation, laryngoscopy, ventilation and supraglottic device insertion. True to life external and internal anatomical features allow for easy demonstration of all pediatric video laryngoscopes.


  • Realistic skin covering with lifelike texture
  • Supports direct and video laryngoscopy
  • Supports endotracheal tube insertion
  • Supports bag-valve mask (BVM) ventilation techniques
  • Supports Full range of supraglottic device insertion
  • Supports double nasotracheal intubation
Infant Airway Trainer (Laerdal)

Infant Airway Management Trainer provides anatomy of a three-month-old infant for teaching and practicing basic and advanced airway management skills.


  • Realistic anatomy of the tongue, oropharynx, epiglottis, larynx, vocal cords, and trachea
  • Supports practicing oral and nasal intubation
  • Supports practicing use of LMA (Laryngeal Mask Airway)
  • Correct tube placement can be checked by practical inflation test
  • Supports practicing Bag-Valve-Mask ventilation
  • Sellick Maneuver can be performed
  • Stomach inflation with esophageal intubation
Child Airway Management Trainer with Bronchi (Air Sim)

TruCorp AirSim Child Bronchi X provides pediatric doctors, pediatric clinical specialists and emergency responders a way to practice pediatric airway management skills and diagnostic techniques on an anatomically correct manikin. Suitable for training in laryngoscopy, bronchoscopy, intubation and lung isolation techniques.


  • Realistic feedback during airway management procedures
  • AirSim® pediatric airway and nasal passage. True to life external and internal anatomical features for clear demonstration of video laryngoscopy
  • Bronchi accurate down to the fourth generation to facilitate full range of bronchoscopy techniques
  • Inflatable tongue simulates edema for advanced practice
  • Missing front teeth resemble actual dentals of a six-year-old child
  • ‘Real feel’ skin covering with lifelike texture
  • Supports direct and video laryngoscopy
  • Supports endo- and nasotracheal intubation
  • Supports supraglottic airway device (SAD) insertion
  • Supports bag-valve mask (BVM) ventilation
  • Supports diagnostic and fiber optic bronchoscopy techniques
  • Supports lung isolation techniques and lung suctioning
Pediatric/Child Intubating Trainer (Laerdal)

Anatomically accurate reproduction of a pediatric torso designed for teaching the differences in pediatric and adult anatomy for airway management procedures.


  • Anatomically accurate airway allows sizing and insertion of various airway adjuncts: Oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal airway insertion
  • Supports endotracheal tube insertion and securing
  • Supports Bag valve mask ventilation
  • Supports Tracheal suctioning
  • Manually generated carotid pulse
  • Supports closed chest compressions

Access and IV

ArteriaLine & ABG Trainer - Ultrasoundable (Simulab)

Ultrasound ArteriaLine and ABG Trainer allows educators to train ultrasound-guided radial artery catheterization and perform ABG sampling with variable pulse strength and rate, palpable landmarks, sharp ultrasound imaging, and arterial pressure that fills and ABG sampling syringe.


  • Ultrasound or blind palpation technique
  • Artery is palpable at wrist and descends as it travels towards the elbow
  • Self-priming artery with adjustable pulse and fluid strength
  • Realistic resistance of tissue and artery wall during injection
  • Distinct pop of the artery wall during insertion
  • Natural flashback of simulated fluid into needle can be observed

NOTE: Users must provide their own kit.

Arterial Wrist Puncture Trainer (Kyoto Kagaku)

This trainer facilitates practice of radial artery puncture for blood collection and artery catheterization.


  • Arterial pulse is palpable
  • Soft tissue and artery wall provide realistic needle resistance
  • Speed of pulse is variable
  • Flashback can be observed

NOTE: Users must provide their own kit.


Central Line Training Model (Blue Phantom)

This ultrasound simulator incorporates anatomy required to teach, learn and practice the skills associated with central line placement. It was designed for both ultrasound guided and blind insertion procedural training. Users can be trained in complete central line placements of the internal jugular and subclavian vein.


  • External landmarks and internal anatomy for ultrasound guided or blind insertion technique
  • Simulated tissue matches the acoustic properties of real human tissue
  • Anatomically correct; constructed from a digital human file
  • Venous anatomy includes: internal jugular vein (IJ), brachiocephalic vein, subclavian vein and axillary vein
  • Arterial anatomy includes: carotid artery, subclavian artery and axillary artery
  • Simulated superior vena cava, right atrium and right ventricle offers users the ability to fully thread guidewires and catheters without resistance
  • Additional internal landmarks include the trachea, manubrium and clavicle
  • Veins are compressible using mild pressure while the arteries remain uncompressed
  • Arterial pulsations are simulated using a provided hand bulb or optional integrated automated pumping system
  • Positive fluid flow in the vessels; model is prefilled with red fluid in the arteries and blue fluid in the veins

NOTE: Participants must supply their own Central Venous Catheter kit when using this task trainer. The manufacture specifies using NEW 18 to 21 gauge needles and similarly sized kits. DO NOT use needles larger than 18 gauge.


CentralLineMan with Articulating Head (Simulab)

Central Line Man System with articulating head by Simulab is ultrasoundable. It features clinically relevant landmarks and anatomy; learners can practice performing full venous catheterization using ultrasound guided or blind/landmark insertion approaches at the subclavian, and internal jugular vein sites. This central line simulator includes clinically relevant internal and external landmarks that are palpable and or visible under ultrasound. The trainer comes with normal or complex vascular anatomy.


  • Anatomically correct, ultrasound compatible tissue, with all relevant landmarks and anatomy.
  • Articulating, moveable head to practice patient positioning
  • 3 Tissue Variations: normal, obese and advanced to enhance procedural realism
  • Good ultrasound imaging through repeated use—needle sticks and full catheterizations do not degrade the image acuity.
  • Two colors of simulated blood differentiate the arterial and venous vessels—provides immediate feedback of unsuccessful cannulation.
  • Arterial pulse is present, and vein realistically compresses under palpation.

NOTE: Participants must provide their own CVC kits when using this task trainer.


Venipuncture - Branched 4-vessel training block (Blue Phantom)

A training phantom to help clinicians develop, practice and maintain the skills necessary for ultrasound guided venous access and arterial access procedures. The branched vessels offer multiple training opportunities; independent linear vessels for initial training in addition to multiple overlapping branched vessels for more advanced ultrasound training.


  • Feels and cannulates like real human tissue
  • Contains four vessels of various sizes including 4mm, 6mm, and 8mm branched vessels positioned at a variety of depths within the phantom
  • Positive fluid flow when vessels are accurately accessed
  • Fluid can be injected into the model to verify needle tip location (automatically expelled)
  • Convex surface contour offers a scanning environment similar to human body habitus
  • Can be used with any ultrasound imaging system with appropriate transducer

NOTE: Users must provide their own needles.


Venipuncture - IV arm trainer (Nasco Life/Form)

IV training arm provides complete venous access to train skills necessary for IV therapy and phlebotomy.

NOTE: Users must provide their own needles.



Venipuncture - Geriatric IV Arm Trainer (Simulaids)

This full-arm trainer provides unlimited access to the major veins in the arms and hands, as well as a deltoid IM injection site, allowing students to practice a variety of procedures. Antecubital, basilic, and cephalic sites. Dorsal, metacarpal veins

NOTE: Users must provide their own needles.


Venipuncture - Venipuncture and IV Administration Training Pad (Remedy Simulation)

Used for training basic vein-puncture and IV administration skills.


  • It can be attached to a standardized patient as well as a mannequin.
  • Provides realistic blood flashback.
  • It can be positioned on different parts of the arm and hand to stimulate various points of entry.
  • Has a hard backing to prevent unwanted needle puncture.

NOTE: Users must provide their own needles.



Venipuncture - ACF Pad (Limbs and Things)

This soft tissue strap-on pad can be used to train in venipuncture and represents the antecubital fossa of the right arm.


  • Recognition of the vein pattern through palpation
  • Insertion of a needle
  • Insertion of cannula
  • Tough backing plate to prevent needlestick injuries
  • Strap onto the antecubital fossa of the arm
  • Veins are: self-sealing for repeated use, re-chargeable via a one-way valve, supplied with mock blood under pressure, and replaceable.

NOTE: Users must provide their own needles.


Venipuncture - Extended antecubital fossa (ACF) Pad (Limbs and Things)

This soft tissue pad is supplied on a base for benchtop training in venipuncture and insertion of cannula. It represents the antecubital fossa of the right arm.


  • Recognition of the vein pattern through palpation
  • Insertion of a needle
  • Introduction of cannula and use of micropore
  • Removal of cannula

NOTE: Users must provide their own needles.


Injection Trainer with skin pad and muscle block (Limbs and Things)

Soft tissue injection pad is designed for practicing intradermal, subcutaneous and intramuscular tissue injection techniques.


  • Multiple tissue layers representing the epidermis, dermis, fat and muscle layer.
  • Can be attached to an arm or thigh to help teach professional-to-patient communication.

NOTE: Participants must provide their own needles.


EZ-IO Training Kit

Educator kit has Training Power Driver, Needle Sets and Training Bones.


  • Training Bone 鈥� Infant Tibia
  • Training Bone 鈥� Child Humerus
  • Training Bone 鈥� Child Tibia
  • Training Bone 鈥� Adult Proximal Humerus
  • Training Bone 鈥� Adult Tibia

NOTE: Users will be charged the cost of replacing consumable supplies (needle sets and bones).


SonoSim Ultrasound Simulator

SonoSim is an integrated ultrasound training simulator that offers didactic courses, hands-on training, and knowledge assessment. SonoSim features over 1,000 actual patient cases with real pathologies for a hands-on ultrasound training experience.


  • Large library of actual patient cases with a broad spectrum of normal and real pathologic conditions.
  • Replicates the tactile experience of using an actual ultrasound probe to scan a real patient
  • The program provides immediate probe-positioning guidance and expert feedback while scanning real-patient cases.
  • SonoSim® Courses are developed by leading experts in ultrasonography and medical education.
  • Courses are delivered in an interactive multimedia format using still and dynamic ultrasound imagery, audio narration, computer graphic imagery, and animation.
  • Cases obtained from real patients allow for an on-demand, authentic scanning experience
  • In-module and end-of-module knowledge assessment questions


Abdominal Examination Trainer (Limbs and Things)

An anatomically accurate adult male torso, used to teach and practice the palpation, auscultation and percussion elements of abdominal or gastrointestinal (GI) examination. With interchangeable organs of varying sizes, and an integral MP3 player providing realistic sounds, the trainer provides the ability to recognize and differentiate a range of abnormal organs and pathologies. Useful for OSCE preparation and assessment.


  • Torso featuring abdomen, pelvis and lower part of thorax
  • Bony landmarks include ribs, costal margin, xiphisternum, pubic crest and anterior superior iliac spines
  • 3 Livers: slightly enlarged, enlarged with smooth edge and enlarged with irregular edge
  • 2 Spleens: slightly enlarged and markedly enlarged
  • 2 Enlarged Kidneys
  • Distended Bladder
  • 2 Aortas: normal and aneurysmal
  • Set of 6 Abdominal Pathologies including 4 smooth masses and 2 irregular hard masses
  • Distension Set including ascites bag, gaseous distension bag, pump and foam insert
  • Simplified representation of lower thoracic and lumbar spine



Arthrocentesis Knee (Simulab)

Anatomically correct arthrocentesis model used to teach diagnosis and management of the presence of knee effusion. For teaching needle aspiration and injection techniques. The trainer represents an extended left leg with ultrasound compatible areas, including: the patella, patella ligament, tibia, fibula, femur, synovial sac, and synovial fluid.


  • Ultrasound compatible
  • Palpating anatomic landmarks significant to the procedure. Realistic tactile feedback includes:
    • Sensation of bony contact if needle hits the patella
    • Sensation of bony contact if needle hits the femur
    • Inability to aspirate the syringe while the needle tip is in the soft tissue superficial to the join capsule
    • Easy aspiration of joint fluid into the syringe once entry has been achieved
  • Insertion sites include suprapatellar and parapatellar.
  • Synovial fluid can be aspirated from a joint cavity using the medial or lateral approach.
  • Allows ability to ballot or milk the suprapatellar pouch
  • Ability to increase or decrease size of effusion with up to 60 cc of fluid


Elbow for Joint Injection (Limbs and Things)

Flexed right elbow simulator mounted on a stand. For practicing soft tissue joint injection used for the treatment of injuries and arthritis. Easy-to-use Feedback Console: LEDs light up when correct injection sites have been acquired, point of maximal tenderness has been palpated and when the ulnar nerve has been hit.


  • Supports palpation techniques
  • Supports injections for the treatment of both Golfer’s and Tennis elbow.
  • Supports Training in fan or cone infiltration techniques


Shoulder for Joint Injection (Limbs and Things)

Adult male torso with right shoulder features relevant landmarks and structures. For practicing soft tissue joint injection used for the treatment of injuries and arthritis. There are five injection sites incorporated into this model. Easy-to-use Feedback Console: LEDs light up when correct injection sites have been acquired.


  • Instant feedback for the trainee when a site is correctly located\
  • Injection sites: Acromioclavicular Joint; Glenohumeral Joint; Bicipital Groove; Subacromial Space


Adult Lumbar Puncture聽 & Epidural Simulator (Kyoto Kagaku)

Designed for hands-on training and assessment in lumbar puncture and epidural procedures. A range of interchangeable puncture blocks is supplied to simulate elderly and obese patients.


  • Patient position management
  • Skin preparation
  • Palpation of pelvic landmarks
  • Palpation of lumbar spinous process
  • Needle positioning and insertion
  • Collection of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
  • CSF pressure measurement
  • Epidural

NOTE: Users must supply their own kits.


Adult Lumbar Puncture & Epidural Trainer (Simulab)

Ultrasoundable trainer allows users to practice lumbar puncture and spinal and epidural injections on various body types.


  • Includes the lumbar vertebrae, iliac crest, spinous process, ligamentum flavum, the epidural space and dura; gluteal fold and a fluid filled compartment for simulated cerebrospinal fluid.
  • Practice spinal and epidural injections on normal, obese, geriatric, and geriatric obese patients
  • Position on its side (lateral decubitis positioning) or upright (sitting)
  • Supports use of ultrasound during procedures



Paracentesis Trainer (Simulab)

This ultrasound compatible trainer allows the user to perform diagnostic and/or therapeutic paracentesis. The anatomically correct trainer is positioned to simulate a patient sitting up at a 45-degree angle with a distended abdomen and includes the pubis symphysis, iliac crest, and umbilicus.


  • Ultrasound compatible with replaceable tissue
  • Internal anatomy includes superficial epigastric vessels, liver and spleen, rectus abdominal muscles, and intestines
  • Inferior epigastric vessels can be visualized under ultrasound
  • Palpable anatomy and realistic needle response
  • The procedure can be performed at the midline below the umbilicus or 2 fingerbreadths anterior and 2 fingerbreadths cephalad to the anterosuperior iliac spine.
  • Allows up to one liter of intraperitoneal fluid removal

NOTE: Users must supply their own kits.


Thoracentesis Trainer (Simulab)

Ultrasound Thoracentesis Model simulates a partial torso with anatomical landmarks including the scapula, ribs, diaphragm, pleural cavity, and lung. A positive fluid flow then offers users feedback when pleural effusions are accurately accessed. The trainer is designed to be filled with fluid and is self-sealing for multiple procedures.


  • Anatomically correct with proper landmarks
  • Ultrasoundable
  • Simulated lung can be seen as an echogenic structure with an inflation mechanism to adjust the size of the pleural effusion
  • Allows removal of fluid or air from pleural cavity
  • Facilitates understanding of pleural effusions
  • Self-sealing for multiple procedures
  • Responds to the Safe-T-Centesis鈩� Catheter Drainage Kit

NOTE: Users must supply their own kits.



Pericardiocentesis Trainer (Life/Form)

Torso-only pericardiocentesis model which is used to train students in pericardiocentesis and tension pneumothorax skills. Allows students to practice and chest tube maintenance.


  • Simulated pericardium
  • Anatomically correct pericardiocentesis site
  • Allows aspiration
  • Instructor-controlled fluid color, volume, and viscosity
  • Chest tube insertion site

Eye and Ear

Ear Exam Simulator (Kyoto Kagaku)

Ear Examination Simulator is designed to help you practice an examination of the external ear and the eardrum with an otoscope. In addition, you can practice a removal of earwax.


  • Two types of external ear with the normal eardrum are included. One is a beginner type and the other is an advanced type.
  • 8 kinds of cases are included in addition to the normal eardrum. Their soft and supple material allows you to simulate a real examination, in ways such as pulling up the pinna.
  • The neck is flexible, which allows you to tilt and pose the head naturally, as in actual examination.


Eye Exam Simulator (Kyoto Kagaku)

The Eye Examination Simulator is used for fundus examination. It is designed to allow examination of eyegrounds with the physician's own ophthalmoscope. Various cases can be set up for trainees using combinations of choice of slides, depth and pupil diameter.


  • 10 cases of fundus slides are provided for training in identifying common eye diseases.
  • The slide images are from actual clinical images.
  • The lens-equipped eyeball units reproduce the visual axis close to that of the human eye providing a realistic eye-ground view.
  • Pupil diameter can be changed.
  • The depth of the fundus slides can be set in 3 steps, showing differences between hyperopic, normal and myopic views.
  • Red reflex can be seen.



OphthoSim Eye Trainer

Ophthalmoscopy training and simulation system allows students to practice monocular vision and improve their ophthalmoscopic/funduscopic technique. Verifies student progress as the ophthalmoscope’s movements and orientation can be tracked.


  • Replicates the magnification of lens in the human eye and different clinical conditions
  • History of Ophthalmoscopy
  • Examination Principles & Technique
  • Retinal Feature Identification
  • Pathology - Papilledema, Diabetic Retinopathy, Glaucoma, Choroidal Rupture, Macular Degeneration, plus more


OtoSim Ear Trainer

Otoscopy training and simulation system allows students to practice and improve their otoscopic technique. Realistic clinical scenarios.


  • Adult and pediatric ear forms
  • 200 high-resolution images from the Hawke Library to instruct, practice, and test students
  • Feature Identification
  • Detailed text description of pre-annotated images for self-directed learning
  • Pathology:
    • External Auditory Canal - Acute Otitis Externa, Cerumen, Foreign Bodies, and more
    • Middle Ear - Normal Tympanic Membrane, Acute Otitis Media, Serous Otitis Media, Myringotomy, and more


Genitourinary (GU)

Female Catheterization Simulator/Foley Trainer (Nasco)

Simulator allows demonstration and practice in urinary catheterization. The catheterization simulator is useful for anatomical identification and demonstration of perineal care. The external genitalia and perineum are molded in lifelike form.


  • Simulator is torso of a middle-aged woman with thighs abducted for proper position during catheterization
  • A lubricated catheter can be passed through the urethra, and into the bladder.
  • Teaches proper positioning. Labia minora can be spread apart naturally to reveal the clitoris, urethral opening, and vaginal introitus.

Male Catheterization Simulator/Foley Trainer (Nasco)

Simulator allows demonstration and practice in urinary catheterization. The catheterization simulator is useful for anatomical identification and demonstration of perineal care. 


  • A lubricated catheter can be inserted in the urethral orifice, passed through the urethra, and into the bladder.
  • Teaches proper positioning and movement of the penis to allow the catheter to pass easily with a minimum of discomfort to the patient.

Modifiable Female or Male Foley Trainer
Simulator used to teach urinary catheterization (Foley) procedures. It is convertible from female to male anatomy.
Clinical Male Pelvic Trainers Limbs and Things

Trainer presents key anatomical features, both externally and internally, for teaching 'hands-on' male pelvic examination and diagnosis.


  • Includes male abdominal wall; penis, bladder and prostate; perineum, testicles and bowel
  • Supports testicular examination; rectal examination of the prostate; dry catheterization
  • For catheterization use Foley catheter size 16 and retrograde catheters.

Prostate Model (Merck)

Mounted models of 6 different simulated prostates. One normal and 5 abnormal. Used to teach diagnostic skills.


  • Normal
  • Normal size with hard nodule, possible cancer
  • Enlarged with hard nodule below surface, possible cancer
  • Enlarged with symmetrical surface and median furrow, BPH
  • Enlarged with smooth surface and irregular shape, BPH and possible cancer
  • Enlarged with hard, irregular surface, cancer

Differential Diagnosis Prostate Exam Model (Merck)
Model with 6 different simulated prostates to train Digital Rectal Examination of the Prostate. Model allows one prostate model to be presented at a time to be examined via the simulator.
Testicular Exam Models (HEI)
Models of 6 different simulated testicles. Used to teach diagnostic skills.

OB/GYN & Breast Exam Trainers

Advanced Breast Exam Trainer, Strap-on (Limbs and Things)

Provides a highly realistic learning platform for acquiring the skills required to perform Clinical Breast Examination (CBE). 6 interchangeable and multi-positional pathologies allow learners to identify various complications and pathologies, including carcinomas, cysts, fibrocystic disease and fibroadenoma.


  • Can be worn by a Standardized Patient facilitating Professional-to-patient communication
  • Or can be mounted on a form for benchtop training
  • Realistic soft tissue breast anatomy
  • Identification of anatomical landmarks
  • Identification of lymph nodes (axillary, supra & infraclavicular)
  • Location and diagnosis of pathologies
  • Pathologies supplied: carcinomas: 2cm, 3cm, 5cm, cyst, fibrocystic disease, fibroadenoma

NOTE: STAR Center also has an earlier model of the Strap-On Breast Exam trainer available. Features on that trainer are much the same, with the exception of the ability to be mounted on a form for benchtop training. These trainers need to be used on a human model.



Breast Exam Anatomical Model (Limbs and Things)

Female torso mounted on base with 7 insertable breast tissues which represent normal and abnormal breast tissue. Used to teach breast exam through palpation.


  • Seven interchangeable breasts demonstrating chronic mastitis, benign growth, carcinoma and the "orange skin" effect, giant sarcoma, scirrhus carcinoma, the lymphatic drainage system, and the movement of the mammary gland on the surface of the pectoralis major muscle
  • One normal breast
  • One breast cross section illustrating normal internal anatomy


Obstetric Susie Childbirth Skills Trainer (Gaumard)

Female abdomen with fetal model used for demonstration and teaching of obstetric procedures. Used to simulation normal and abnormal vaginal delivery experiences.


  • Life-size pelvic cavity with major anatomic landmarks
  • Two removable stomach covers (one skin-tone and one clear plexiglass)
  • Birthing baby with umbilical cord and placenta, anatomically accurate backbone and fontanelles on fetal
  • Supports demonstration and management of:
    • Normal vaginal delivery with vertex presentation
    • Complete, frank, and footling breech birth
    • C-section delivery
    • Intrauterine manipulation
    • Vertex/vertex, vertex/breech, breech/vertex, or breech/breech presentation in multiple birth
    • Prolapse of umbilical cord
    • Placenta previa: total, partial, and marginal
    • Normal delivery of umbilical cord and placenta

Gynecological Skills Trainer - "Zoe" (Gaumard)

Full size female lower torso with relevant internal anatomic landmarks that allows for the demonstration and practice of multiple gynecologic procedures , including laparoscopic examination and minilaparotomy. Interchangeable realistically sculpted and anatomically accurate cervices, uteri, ovaries, and fimbriae representing normal and abnormal.


  • Supports bi-manual pelvic examination
  • Palpation of normal and pregnant uteri
  • Supports vaginal examination, including insertion of speculum
  • Supports visual recognition of normal and abnormal cervices
  • Supports IUD insertion and removal
  • Distal end of vagina facilitates introduction of a female condom or sizing a 75mm diaphragm
  • Supports laparoscopic visualization and occlusion of fallopian tubes
  • A variety of structures included:
    • Anteverted and one retroverted parous uterus
    • Normal uterus with short fallopian tubes for palpation exercises
    • Early pregnancy uteri. One is 6-8 weeks and the other is 10-12 weeks
    • Twenty-week pregnant uterus
    • Normal cervices with patent os
    • Abnormal cervices
    • Fallopian tubes


Keele & Staffs Episiotomy Trainer (Laerdal)

A training system for teaching three stages of episiotomy and episiotomy repair suturing techniques. For the practice of episiotomy and second degree tear repair. The system allows episiotomy repair and perineal suturing techniques to be practiced in two planes.


  • Identification of fontanelles
  • Handling of a stretched perineum
  • Practice midline or medio-lateral episiotomy
  • Identification and management of perineal tears
  • Surface suture, sub-cuticular Suture and deep musculature suture
  • Episiotomy and perineal repair procedure block represents the realistic anatomy: perineal skin, superficial muscle structure and relevant layer for suturing

NOTE: Users must supply their own kits.

Breast Biopsy Ultrasound Training Model (Blue Phantom)

This model allows users to develop and practice the skills necessary to gain proficiency in using ultrasound for imaging and surgical procedures on simulated breast tissue. Model contains a variety of masses that are hyperechoic, hypoechoic, and echolucent allowing users to gain experience utilizing a wide range of lesions and 14 masses of varying sizes.

NOTE: Users must supply their own kits.



Infant Circumcision Trainer (Nasco-Life/Form)

Trainer to practice surgical removal of the foreskin on the glans penis, without the worry of learning on a live infant. This trainer may also be used to practice aftercare skills.


  • Simulated male infant lower torso with replaceable foreskin.
  • Designed to support Mogen clamp method, Guillotine clamp method, Gomco clamp method, Plastibell method, dorsal slit method, forceps guided method, and sleeve circumcision.

Diagnostic Dermatology Face (Limbs and Things)

Model of simulated face with examples of 18 different types of facial lesions. This model is designed for diagnosis and planning only, not for procedural training.


  • Supports identification of lesions
  • Understanding underlying structures
  • Planning of procedures


Nasogastric Trainer (Simulaids)

Trainer for instruction of nasogastric tube insertion and care. Also has been used as a trainer for foreign body extraction in nasal cavities.


Colon Section Model (HEI)
A model representing a small section of colon that is used to demonstrate appearance and location of polyps.