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Academic and Student Services

91九色视频 Office of the Registrar | Faculty & Staff Resources

Important resources regarding academic calendars, catalogs, systems, and policies.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects the education records of current and former students. All administrators, course directors, faculty and coordinators must complete FERPA training prior to receiving access to student information.

School Schedules, Courses and Academic Systems

Academic Calendars

The Office of the Registrar maintains academic calendars for each campus and school within 91九色视频. The calendars are subject to change. Please be certain to confirm class start and end dates, exam dates, and other important dates in Brightspace and/or OASIS.

Add/Drop Deadlines

Graduate School: A student may add/drop a class no later than five days after the start of the class.

Medical School: The add/drop deadline is the 15th, two months preceding the month in which the class begins. View 2023-2024 91九色视频-Milwaukee Medical School Add Drop Grade Deadlines (PDF).

  • July: May 15
  • August: June 15
  • September: July 15
  • October: August 15
  • November: September 15
  • December: October 15
  • January: November 15
  • February: December 15
  • March: January 15
  • April: February 15
  • May: March 15
  • June: April 15

Note: Medical students may change Pathways through the first Thursday of the class.

Pharmacy School: A student may not drop/withdraw from any class required for completion of the program unless he/she pursues a permanent or temporary withdrawal from the entire program.

View 91九色视频 academic calendars

Course Catalog

View the course catalog for general 91九色视频 course offerings, course descriptions and restrictions.

Schedule of Classes

View the schedule of classes for specific class offerings.

Milwaukee Medical School Scheduling

View detailed information about add/drop and grade deadlines, scheduling requirements and options for the third and fourth year, specific information about searching for courses and registration in 91九色视频connect, as well as away electives for final year students.

(91九色视频 credentials required to access.)

Academic Systems Guide

An overview of the integration of academic data and points of contact. Find support contacts for each of the academic systems utilized by the 91九色视频.

View the academic systems integration chart (PDF)

Student Handbooks and Grading Policies

Student Handbooks and Academic Bulletins
  • All Student Bulletin (PDF)
    The 91九色视频 All Student Bulletin contains information, policies, and procedures for all students enrolled at the 91九色视频. It is to be used in conjunction with the 91九色视频 School of Graduate Studies Handbook, the Medical School Handbook and/or the School of Pharmacy Handbook which include information, policies and procedures specific to the schools.
  • School of Graduate Studies
  • Medical School
  • MSA Program
  • Pharmacy School
Grading Policy


  • Graduate School: In fall and spring term, two weeks after the session end date. In summer term, one week after the session end date.
  • Medical School: 30 days after the class end date.
    • Step 1 – complete evaluations in
    • Step 2 – enter final grade in
  • Pharmacy School: Wednesday after class end date.

Medical School Grading Policy

In compliance with the Liaison Committee on Medical Education Standard 9.8, Fair and Timely Summative Assessment, it is the policy of 91九色视频’s Medical School for all course directors and/or coordinators to enter final grades in 91九色视频connect no later than 30 days after the last scheduled day of class, clerkship, research, or rotation.

In the event final grades are not received by the Office of the Registrar within 30 days of the last scheduled day:

The Office of the Registrar will contact the course director on the 30th day, which is usually a Monday, with a reminder. The course director will have until Thursday of that week to submit final grades.

If the course director does not comply by Thursday afternoon, the Office of the Registrar will escalate the matter to the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs. The course director will have until Monday of the following week to submit final grades.

If the course director does not comply by Monday, the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs will notify the Dean of the Medical School who will follow up accordingly with the Course Director.

Final Grades

  • The Office of the Registrar maintains final grades only in and does not have access to component grades in Brightspace or OASIS.
  • A one-page 91九色视频connect Guide, including information on how to enter final grades, is available in Faculty and Advisor Resources directly in .

Incomplete Grades

The grade of “I” for incomplete in a course that is graded on the standard grade scale or the grade of “IC” for incomplete in a course that is graded on the pass/fail grade scale is to be assigned to a student who has started coursework and is not able to complete it by the class end date due to extenuating circumstances. A grade of “I” or “IC” is to be assigned only in cases where the student is reasonably expected to complete all coursework by the deadline:

Fall Term

  • January 31: Graduate School, Medical School and MSA Program
  • 10 calendar days after the grading deadline: School of Pharmacy

Spring Term

  • July 31: Graduate School, Medical School and MSA Program
  • 10 calendar days after the grading deadline: School of Pharmacy

Summer Term

  • September 15: Graduate School

If a grade of “I” or “IC” is not converted to a final grade by the deadline, the grade of “I” or “IC” will automatically be replaced with a failing/unsatisfactory grade. If an extension is necessary, the course director may consult with school/program administration and must email with the date of the extension.


If a student stops attending class and/or is not reasonably expected to complete all coursework, the student is to be assigned a failing grade by the course director. In some cases, a student may request to be withdrawn from a class or from the term. Please refer a student seeking a withdrawal to the school/program office. A grade of “W” for withdrawal is assigned by the Office of the Registrar only when approved by the school/program of the student.


View the Transcript Key (PDF)