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91ɫƵ Pharmacy School Preceptor Resources

The 91ɫƵ Pharmacy School’s Office of Experiential Education (OEE) values the time and talent invested by our preceptors in to the rotation experiences of our students across our three-year curriculum. The OEE is committed to showing our appreciation in a variety of ways. If there are other ways in which we can support you as a pharmacist, clinician, or educator – please contact us.

Thank you, preceptors!

Our preceptors play a pivotal role in guiding pharmacy students towards becoming innovative and engaging professionals by providing pharmacy practice experiences that, integrate, reinforce, and advance the PharmD program curriculum. At the 91ɫƵ Pharmacy School, we value the commitment and dedication of each pharmacy preceptor and the role you play in shaping the pharmacists of the future. We are grateful for your dedication to the 91ɫƵ School of Pharmacy, and most importantly, the advancement of our professions. We value your partnerships!

The Script - Preceptor Newsletter

The Script quarterly newsletter features content written for preceptors, including precepting pearls, professional development and continuing education opportunities, preceptor spotlights and school announcements. Interested in getting more involved at 91ɫƵ? We have many opportunities for you to consider! Check out our newsletter for details!

Preceptor Resources

A pharmacy student and preceptor work on research at a computer.

Access Preceptor Orientation Modules, evaluations, manuals and rubrics for students completing IPPE and APPE rotations. The school handbook is also available here.

  • To locate the preceptor orientation video, log into CORE ELMS, click the Training/Benefits tab and open "IPPE and APPE Preceptor Orientation"
  • For credentials or to reset your password, please contact OEE at pharmacyEE@mcw.edu.
Live Conferences

PSW Legislative Day
March 19, 2025 | 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Madison, WI | Monona Terrace Convention Center

APhA 2025 Annual Meeting & Exposition 
March 21 - 24, 2025  | Nashville, TN

PSW Educational Conference and Wisconsin Pharmacy Residency Conference
April 8 - 9, 2025  | Madison, WI | Monona Terrace Convention Center 

ASHP Pharmacy Futures 2025
June 7-11, 2025 | Charlotte, NC
Includes: National Pharmacy Preceptors Conference, Summit on Advanced Therapeutics, Sterile Compounding Designated Person Training

AACP Annual Meeting
July 19-22, 2025 | Chicago, IL
Registration to open soon.

PSW Annual Meeting
August 14 - 16, 2025 | Milwaukee, WI | Baird Center

Live Local Programming

91ɫƵ Teaching Certificate Program

Completion of the 91ɫƵ Pharmacy School Teaching Certificate will enhance the participant’s abilities to educate and precept future pharmacists and residents, while also improving the everyday education they provide to patients and other healthcare providers in the organizations they serve. The Pharmacy Teaching Certificate was developed to provide a robust experience for both pharmacy residents and practicing pharmacists, that is flexible to meet their individual interests and goals. 

  • Open to pharmacists and residents 
  • No fee for current residents at Froedtert and 91ɫƵ Health System
  • Payment required for non-resident pharmacists
  • Learn More

91ɫƵ Research Certificate Program
In collaboration with Froedtert & 91ɫƵ Pharmacy Department, the School of Pharmacy has developed a research certificate program designed to provide participants with the foundation to conduct research projects and support those interested in pursuing a career with continued scholarly efforts. 

Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin (PSW)
Each year, PSW hosts Legislative Day in Madison, an Annual Meeting, an Educational Conference and a Wisconsin Pharmacy Residency Conference.

  • Membership required 
  • CE Available

Webinar-Based Resources
American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP)
ASHP hosts a number of meetings, conferences, and specialty courses each year to provide health-system pharmacy practitioners with venues for updating their knowledge, networking with colleagues, enhancing their skills, and learning about the latest health-system pharmacy issues, products, and technologies.
  • CE Available 
  • Payment required; Discounts for members

American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP)
ACCP offers multiple e-learning programs for pharmacists. 

  • CE Available

FDA Drug Topics Webinars and CDER
This series of educational webinars is designed for physicians, physician assistants, nurses, pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, other healthcare professionals and students. The webinars cover a broad range of FDA drug regulation and medication safety topics. Additional CE programming is available through CDERLearn.

  • CE available at no cost

Nexus Summit Seminar Showcase
A free webinar series from the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education. The showcase features seminars offered during last year's annual conference.

  • No fee

Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists (SIDP) Education Center
SIDP provides educational activities on infectious disease pharmacotherapy for clinical pharmacists, health-systems pharmacists, community pharmacists, and other allied health disciplines. 

  • CE Available
  • Payment required
  • Membership is optional (Can be a Registered Resource-User if prefer not to have a SIDP membership)
Online Resources

ASHP Preceptor Toolkit

The resources serve as guidance as you develop the most effective methods to teach and mentor your students and residents.

  • Membership Required

APhA Preceptor SIG
The Preceptor Special Interest Group (SIG) is a professional network of pharmacists who precept students and residents have the opportunity to communicate and get feedback on precepting strategies, precepting challenges and solutions, and opportunities for preceptor growth and development. This community also serves as a conduit for APhA to a) identify practice-based teaching models that support the advancement of patient-care services and b) address training and development needs of preceptor pharmacists in order to continually improve the quality of experiential teaching within the profession of pharmacy.

  • CE Available 
  • Membership Required

APhA Precepting 101 Guide
Downloadable guide for preceptors.

  • No fee

CE Impact
Pharmacy CE Resource for live, podcast CE and on demand.

  • CE Available
  • Payment required

Habits of Preceptors Resource Page 
Many accessible resources, at no cost. Filter by resource category (CE, webinars, websites, videos, podcasts, books, articles) and by time frame. 

Nexus Interprofessional Toolkit
Customizable toolkit for a variety of practice settings. Toolkit provides professional development opportunities for preceptors with interprofessional learners.

  • CE Available
  • Payment required

Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin (PSW)
PSW provides a unified voice, resources, and leadership to advance the pharmacy profession and improve the quality of medication use in Wisconsin.

  • CE Available
  • Membership Required

As a nationally recognized provider of continuing education for healthcare professionals, ProCE develops, delivers, and evaluates a broad range of accredited, cutting-edge CME and CE opportunities.

  • CE Available (some available for no fee, some with payment required)
  • Subscriptions available, but not required
  • Live and virtual events, certificate programs

The Journal of the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin - Preceptor Series Articles
 Articles include reviews of precepting techniques, models for giving feedback, and suggestions for structuring learning with trainees.

  • No fee
  • No membership required

Texas Tech University Mini Preceptor Series
This is a 12 episode, knowledge-based, video series developed to provide educational pearls to preceptors who train pharmacy students or residents on experiential rotations. Each video episode is 5-8 minutes in length and builds upon the next. The series follows a young preceptor and two students through a 6 week clinical rotation at a hospital. The two students are polar opposites and present unique challenges to the preceptor.  At moments throughout each episode, two preceptor experts share insight on how they would deal with each learning situation.

  • Program available until 1/30/2026
  • 3.00 CE hours available 
  • Payment required


APhA Podcast: The First Fill
Each month, APhA will release five, 5-minute podcast episodes offering a fresh dose of education highlights, practice pearls and insights to inform your pharmacy practice and advance patient care. Listen to new episodes at your convenience! Complete a short, online assessment at the end of each month to earn 0.5 hours of CE credits (.05 CEU).

  • No membership required to earn CE
  • The first six months are available at no cost

ASHP Podcast
Featuring conversations with ASHP leadership, researchers, authors and influencers, ASHP Official is your source for informative and thoughtful conversations exploring key issues impacting the field of pharmacy today.

  • No membership required to listen

Pharmacy Podcast Network
The Pharmacy Podcast Network (PPN) is the world's largest network of podcasts dedicated to the pharmacy professional and industry insiders leading pharmacy care. More than 40 different hosts interview dynamic people in the pharmacy industry making a difference for our profession, customers, and the patients we serve.

  • No membership required to listen

Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin (PSW) Podcast
PSW podcasts provide a wide variety of education to support your practice.

  • No membership required to listen

Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists (SIDP) Breakpoints Podcast 
The Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists provides a free educational podcast to discuss current literature, share information from infectious diseases meetings, advocate for optimal patient care, and lead antimicrobial stewardship efforts.

  • No membership required to listen

91ɫƵ School of Pharmacy-Specific Resources

91ɫƵ Preceptor Newsletter: The Script
Read the quarterly preceptor newsletter for announcements, preceptor development information / CE opportunities and more!

Preceptor Insights Series
Presented by the 91ɫƵ School of Pharmacy Office of Experiential Education, this series offers brief 3- to 6-minute videos on a variety of precepting topics. Whether you are a first-time preceptor or seasoned mentor, the videos help you grow and refine your skills.

91ɫƵ Library Resource
91ɫƵ library access is available to all interested 91ɫƵ preceptors. We want to recognize your hard work and  extend our gratitude for your commitment to future pharmacists.

  • Must be an active 91ɫƵ preceptor to access
  • When the survey has been completed, an additional form will be emailed separately to you. You must complete both forms to receive 91ɫƵ Library access. 
  • Complete the

Developing America's Most Trusted Profession: Linking Entrustable Professional Activities to Student Assessment
Recorded presentation on the 91ɫƵ School of Pharmacy campus, featuring speakers Kajua Lor, PharmD, BCACP and Sara Revolinski, PharmD, BCPS.

NatMed Pro
To access, log into CORE ELMS account. Access NatMed Pro under the Training/Benefits Tab.

Pharmacists' Patient Care Process
Document by the Joint Commission of Pharmacy Practitioners (JCPP) describing the pharmacists' patient care process that encompasses a contemporary and comprehensive approach to patient-centered care that is delivered in collaboration with other members of the healthcare team.

Student Health and Wellness
Access 91ɫƵ resources to support student health and well-being.