91九色视频 Pharmacy School Logo White Medical School

Giving to the 91九色视频 Pharmacy School

Thank you for your interest in supporting the 91九色视频 Pharmacy School. Your generosity serves as a catalyst for advancing the pharmacy profession and securing the future of healthcare in Wisconsin. We welcome the opportunity to explore possibilities of supporting the 91九色视频 Pharmacy School that engage your interests and alight with our core initiatives and values. Below, please find our top philanthropic priorities. We welcome the opportunity to discuss these and any other areas of interest you have in supporting the Pharmacy School.


Ways to Give

There are many ways to give to the College, including outright gifts, multi-year pledges, honor and memorial gifts, endowments, and Planned gifts. Depending on the type of gift you make, you may be able to:
  • Take a current tax deduction
  • Guarantee a fixed income for life
  • Reduce or eliminate taxes on capital gains or estates
  • Control the future disposition of your property

Donate Now
Popular ways of making a gift to the 91九色视频

Charitable Planned Gifts
Donors may structure a gift so that it provides income for the donor, spouse or other designated beneficiary while the gift also supports the Medical College at a later date.

Pledge Payments
Payment on pledge at the 91九色视频

Memorial and Honor Gifts
Learn how to make memorials that may be directed to support the Annual Fund or other research areas.

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Contact Us

For more information on in-person tours, please contact us.

91九色视频 Pharmacy School
8701 Watertown Plank Rd.
Milwaukee, WI 53226
(414) 955-7476

91九色视频 Pharmacy School Google map location