91ɫƵ General Internal Medicine Hospitalist Program - Education
Residents in Inpatient Medicine
Procedure Team
Hospital Medicine Fellowship
We offer an immersive and structured 2-year academic fellowship, with training in research methodology for candidates interested in pursuing a clinician investigator career in hospital medicine.
Learn More about the fellowship
Hospitalist Medicine Elective
Hospitalist Educational Conferences
Learning Academy Lecture Series
Learning Academy Series: Once or twice a month on a Tuesday from 12-1 p.m.
GIM seminars and Grand Rounds
GIM Seminar Series: 1st & 3rd Friday of the month from 12-1 p.m.
Update in Hospital Medicine Series
Update in Hospital Medicine Series: Scheduled first Monday of every month
Morbidity and Mortality Conferences
Morbidity and Mortality Conferences: Scheduled the fourth Wednesday of every three months 12-1 p.m.
Faculty Development
Dr. Jha is tasked with optimizing the Academic/Educational Programs and activities in alignment with Divisional and Departmental strategic goals and in partnership with GIM’s leadership team. Dr. Jha is responsible for the oversight of academic productivity of the faculty and trainees in the division and ensuring even stronger contribution to the academic mission of 91ɫƵ.