
Milwaukee skyline at dusk

91ɫƵ Comprehensive Injury Center - Division of Data Analytics and Informatics

The work of the Comprehensive Injury Center (CIC) necessitates having timely, accurate, and useful data to inform a variety of injury prevention and community engagement efforts. The Division of Data Analytics and Informatics (DDAI) was established to help provide a centralized resource for both cataloging and consolidating various data sources along with working to provide enhanced access to data to support research and analysis efforts both within and outside of the CIC, for academic, agency, and community partners.
Hands on laptop keyboard


To improve community health, safety, and well-being through data.


To conduct research and evaluation to inform program and policy implementation in support of a healthier and safer community.


  • Provide data, analytical, and research support to initiatives across the Divisions and Cores of the CIC
  • Develop an inventory of known existing data sources both connected to and outside of the CIC to support analysis and research related to injury prevention, with a specific emphasis on violence, suicide, and overdose prevention.
  • Identify unmet data needs and seek funding, resources, or support to assist in filling the gaps in available data
  • Establish processes for the routine collection and sharing of information to support research and analysis projects


  • Connect DataShare, a collaborative integrated data system, into the work of the Division and offer it as a resource and research opportunity to others outside the Division
  • Develop and publish data visualizations and dashboards in conjunction with the routine analysis and use of data to support key initiatives and areas of focus within the CIC
  • Create or enhance documentation on data sources to provide more comprehensive information to data users
  • Convene partners to both define and address key data-related questions and methodological data issues

Division of Data Analytics and Informatics Current Initiatives

Data Requests

Data Requests



DataShare is a collaborative, integrated data system that supports research and analysis efforts by bringing together data from multiple sectors. The intent of DataShare is to combine unique data sets across contributing agencies with a focus on improving safety, health, and education in Milwaukee and the surrounding area. The data in DataShare will contribute to and support the work of the CIC.
Milwaukee Community Justice Council Data Analysis and Dashboard Support

Milwaukee Community Justice Council Data Analysis and Dashboard Support

Project in collaboration with Milwaukee County and the Milwaukee Community Justice Council (CJC), funded through the MacArthur Safety and Justice Challenge. The focus of this project is to develop and launch a data dashboard across multiple data sources to support the work of the CJC Executive Committee, including a focus on racial and ethnic disparities, as well as to provide overall data and analytic support to the efforts of the CJC.
Milwaukee Homicide Review Commission (MHRC)

Milwaukee Homicide Review Commission (MHRC)

The MHRC strives to reduce homicides and nonfatal shootings through a multi-level, multi-disciplinary and multi-agency homicide review process. The MHRC is comprised of law enforcement professionals, criminal justice professionals, and community partners who meet regularly to exchange information regarding the city’s homicides and other violent crimes to identify methods of prevention from both public health and criminal justice perspectives. The Division supports both the data needs and the review process. Find data on homicide, nonfatal shootings, sex trafficking, and domestic violence/intimate partner violence at the Data and Reports link below.
Data and Reports
Overdose Public Health and Safety Team (OD-PHAST)

Overdose Public Health and Safety Team (OD-PHAST)

Milwaukee County, through the Milwaukee County Medical Examiner’s Office, was awarded a three-year grant from the US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant and Substance Abuse Program (COSSAP) to create an Overdose Public Health and Safety Team (OD-PHAST). Specific aims of the project include expanding the delivery and analysis of near real-time data between multiple public health and public safety partners and utilizing both aggregate data and insights from case reviews to develop and implement strategies and recommendations for changes to reduce the likelihood of future overdose incidents.
Program Evaluation

Program Evaluation

A primary function of the DDAI is to conduct process and outcome evaluations for programs both inside and outside of the CIC. In particular, the DDAI is leading the evaluation of both the hospital and community-based components of the 414Life violence interruption program, in collaboration with the Milwaukee Office of Violence Prevention. This multi-year evaluation effort will be focused on documenting the implementation of the program, as well as evaluating program outputs and outcomes.
Violence Data Dashboard

Violence Data Dashboard

The goal of this project is to create a violence data dashboard for the City of Milwaukee that brings together existing, disparate datasets to create collated, more real-time data sharing across systems. As the region grapples with record levels of violence and injury, it is imperative to put data in the hands of the community members and organizations carrying out community-engaged violence intervention and prevention work. The initial project work was funded through the American Public Health Association (APHA) in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Violence Response Public Health and Safety Team (VR-PHAST)

Violence Response Public Health and Safety Team (VR-PHAST)

A multi-disciplinary team has been established: To coordinate a unified, multi-sector public health and public safety response to reduce the impact of firearm violence and homicides on individuals, families, and the community in collaboration with partners across Milwaukee County. A significant portion of the work is focused on supporting the process by analyzing data from a variety of sources to better understand the current and emerging trends in violence and the factors related to the increase in violence, as well as the needs and gaps in resources available for response to incidents occurring across the city and the county. This project is working in direct collaboration with the Division for Violence Prevention and is currently funded by a three-year grant through the US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation (BCJI) program.

Partners and Engagement Efforts

This information represents a list of multiple partners that are currently interfacing with the work of the Division of Data Analytics and Informatics in a variety of ways. This list is not meant to be exhaustive and continues to expand based on the work of the CIC and the Divisions.
  • 414 LIFE Program
  • Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin at the 91ɫƵ
  • Children’s Wisconsin Project Ujima
  • DataShare
  • Froedtert Hospital Trauma Program
  • 91ɫƵ Institute for Health & Equity
Local, State, National
  • Academic partners at Marquette University and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • City of Milwaukee Office of Violence Prevention
  • International Association of Chiefs of Police, Research Advisory Committee
  • Local health departments across Milwaukee County, including the City of Milwaukee Health Department
  • Local law enforcement agencies across Milwaukee County, including the Milwaukee Police Department
  • Local fire departments across Milwaukee County, including the Milwaukee Fire Department
  • Milwaukee Community Justice Council
  • Milwaukee Community Justice Council – Data and Research Committee
  • Milwaukee County Department of Health and Human Services
  • Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office
  • Milwaukee County Medical Examiner’s Office
  • Milwaukee County Office of Emergency Management
  • Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office
  • Milwaukee Healthcare Partnership
  • Milwaukee Public Schools
  • National Criminal Justice Association
  • North Central High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA)
  • Sojourner Family Peace Center
  • Wisconsin Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC), Data Sharing Subcommittee
  • Wisconsin Department of Corrections
  • Wisconsin Department of Health Services
  • Wisconsin Department of Justice
  • Wisconsin Violence and Injury Prevention Program
  • US Attorney’s Office, Eastern District